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About Me

One never knows what to say about oneself, except that is; to simply suggest that the wine is pleasant to say the least and that the hour is early ( or late depending on whether you're a glass half empty of half full kind of person ) Ever heard of perfect pitch... I recorded a series of notes tonight that cover three octaves. first you hear the pitch and then you hear me say what it is... (based on equal temp) anyway I made them into short tracks so I could put them (the pitches) into I tunes on shuffle play, so the notes you hear are randomly played and not in any kind of predictable scale... bored yet????hang in there... I enjoy the company of those who look across rather than down... anyway, to cut a long story just a few paragraphs short of painful, I discovered that I'm crap... I couldn't tell the difference from an A and an Bb to save myself... any way thats just what I did tonight, tomorrow I might go walking in a forest or driving down a freeway... I'm into cryptic, if your're still here then cheers, from here on in its all about what vintage we're poppin' Kent...another exciting thing I got to do was be on the set of the second star wars movie, I got to see real living R2D2'S cruising around and george lucas doing his thing... it was quite a bit of fun... (except the scene I was in got ditched...)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

aaaahhhhh..... I have a list that includes the well known and distinguished, and some dear friends grandparents... but I save that list for me... or for you after a few vino's and I've let my guard down... one day maybe...

My Blog

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