Does it even matter, just as long as I get to wear my shoes.
HMMMMMMM... Souls of Mischief! 93 was my song in high school! So much so that my x-boyfriend from then is a dj now and no matter what, he always plays it when I walk in the door of his club! Other than roommate and friend told me once that I have a "house down payment" worth of cds. I feel the need to buy music I never listen to. I like knowing that I have them there... all just collecting dust and waiting for me to play them once every other January.
There is something to be said about almost any movie. Just don't bore me with an empty script . Ok so I loved JUST ONE OF THE BOYS. I like to lie. What can I tell you.
Dammit Kimmy!
I find that people pick this title as the one they try to: A) show that they have a deeper level to their otherwise shallow daily attitude B) Show off that they really do have a greater knowledge of well written lit. As I can never be mistaken of as shallow and I do have a greater knowledge of deep, soulful, beautifully written literature... I choose to say nothing!