jason morrison music profile picture

jason morrison music

On a scale of 1 to hectic, your up there Cazaly!

About Me

...jasonmorrisonmusic - YO!
At the start of 2007, Jason wanted to record one of his songs for a romantic interest of his at the time.
He never gave it to her.
What a chicken!
He played it to lots of other people, and they have enjoyed it. They stopped and threw in change when while he was busking, and they came to his shows. And they downloaded his songs to their phones and played them to their friends.
So Jason played more shows, and wrote more songs.
And even been on some little tours. Whoopeee! He often sees people walking down the street wearing one of his sexy teeshirts!
Some people even say nice things about '...jason morrison' like
"Jason has a talent that words can't explain. It's not just his voice and guitar skills, but at his shows he connects with people like no other artists do. He gets the crowd involved and makes every single person there feel like he is performing just for them"
Now, Jason is writing and recording these songs plus some new ones, playing more shows, and loving all the people that enjoy his tunes, as well as spending way to much time on his fine MySpace site.
Stay tuned to ..jason morrison music as his EP 'Tales From The Shortest Mountain In The World' will be coming soon!
And yes, she has heard the song since. Nothing happened.
To rep '...jasonmorrisonmusic' on your space, copy and past this code into your 'about me' section' Cheers!

'Thinking Deeply About Life and Love And Happiness... and coming up with a few songs'

My Interests


Member Since: 31/01/2007
Band Members: ...jason morrison.
Sounds Like: Sounds Like / Influenced By:

GREEN, Dallas (C&C)
HANLON, Darren
JOHNS, Daniel (SC)
PYKE, Josh
MASON, Willy



Record Label: AthensCo.
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


You keen for a bus to Soundwave???Then lock it in peeps!Ive booked the bus from Bendigo and now need peeps to fill it.If you are interested in coming on the bus, can you email me at jason@loveandtheft...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Dec 2009 17:29:00 GMT

I am an addict...

Today while cleaning and packing my room, I had a moment of clarity. I realised I have an addiction. It is not an addiction that is commonly talked about. No high end media coverage - any for...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Oct 2009 07:07:00 GMT

Bus To Soundwave V2

HAI GUISE!Now that the first lineup is announced for the 2010 Soundwave festival, I would like to make an announcement of my own...For the second year in a row, I will be organising a bus from Bendigo...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Aug 2009 18:35:00 GMT


Im watching How I Met Your Mother in the car on the way to Ipswich On the halfway ppoint of the IEL tour. I really relate to Ted. This doesn't really have a point.I just had dinner with my cousin that...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:44:00 GMT

...jasonmorrisonmusic's 20,000 view!

Prize to Kelly!Its pretty win.I started this little page at the start of Feb 07. So its 28 months approx.which means...20,000/28 = 714.2 views a month28 months   =  880 days (approx)20,000/910= almost...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 06:37:00 GMT


Hello.My name is Jason.Im a bit scared.I'm scared cause this EP machine is starting to gather momentum.A month or so ago I mapped out all the steps needed to get to a finished product.Yesterday I met ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 19:02:00 GMT

The Bookmark Tour// Merch// Bits and Pieces

Hey all.How are you good looking people?This is only a short blog, so that if you are sneaking MySpace at school, then you can read it while the teacher is scolding the annoying boy in your class just...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 05:39:00 GMT

I have played with...

Here are some of the diverse artists that I have shared the stage with:Ali Smith // Addison // A Legion Defiled (Upon Deaf Ears)// Andrew Swift// A.O.N. //A Pilots First Flight // Bermuda // Blank Exp...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 10:24:00 GMT

A MUST READ: 'The Future' - Bob Lefsetz

 Ive been pondering some thoughts the last few weeks. Will I make it? Is it something that I really want? How can someone like me do well with so many better and more deserving artists out there? Then...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 22:54:00 GMT

My 'JJJ Hottest 100' Vote

Clickhttp://www.abc.net.au/triplej/hottest100/to vote:Just in case you care!There was another 10 or so songs that I wanted to pick... but here goes, in no order:* The Getaway Plan,  - Where The City M...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Jan 2009 20:09:00 GMT