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SciFiction.Com Video Of The Month!
Greetings Fellow Sci-Fi Fans, Welcome to SciFiction.Com's Official Myspace. Let us imagine if you will. "What if" their were such a place were EVERY conceivable aspect of Science Fiction were enjoyed? Whether it be entertaining the notion of a futuristic Utopia, were humans, and others worked together towards a common goal, or perhaps many of the other what if scenarios that inspire many of us to ask why not. In thinking along with this purposed mindset. Imagine if their were a Online Epicenter for Fans of ALL Sci-Fi, and Beyond. From everything towards, a Regionally-Nationally syndicated Sci-Fi Radio program, Sci-Fi News, Upcoming Events, a Sci-Fi Peace foundation, an online publication/Magazine, and even a "Custom" State of the art integrated Online Network/Community with a 1,000,000+ friend base. Where fans, and others can not only create a profile, and enjoy MANY unique features, but also provide the ability to converse with other fans, and personalities in the Sci-Fi industry, and feel a sense of kinship amongst their fellow Nerd/Geek if you will. With a recent large investment going towards the development of such a new site that includes all the above features mentioned, and much much more. This will include everything needed to be not only a working hub for all things Sci-Fi, but also something very very incredible. If this notion intrigues you then just imagine if it were a reality? Well it is "NO LONGER" a hypothetical idea it is a..."Vision" that is fastly becoming a REALITY! Join me The-Captain on a Journey of a Lifetime, as we work together to create A Place For fans of "Science-Fiction", and Beyond... Sincerly, Your Friend, President/CEO Of.. SciFiction.Com ~AKA~ The Captain Owen C.
I edited my profile Myself!!!
Star Trek-The Experience January 3, 1998- September 1, 2008
In Loving Memory of the First Lady of Star Trek MAJEL BARRET RODDENBERRY Feb. 23, 1932 - Dec. 18, 2008

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Evolution of our Logo...from the earily to our new name SciFiction.comFirst Prototype LogoEarilier 2nd Generation LogoLater Revised 2nd Generation Logo AnimatedUpdated 3rd Logo StaticUpdated 4th Logo With "New Name" StaticFinal Logo Coming Soon!!Dear Fellow "Fans" This is The "Captain", and Welcome to SciFiction.Com's "Publicity Myspace Page "For the "FIRST" Ever "Sci-Fi/Fantasy/ETC" Online "Community" Based Site Of Its Kind, and Beyond.... I Welcome you to "Join in", on the "GREATEST JOURNEY/ONLINE-PROJECT", of "OUR-TIME" JOIN SciFiction.COM'S Publicity Myspace Page "TODAY"!!!!!!! Your Friend/"CAPTAIN" The "Captain"

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Posted by on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 23:58:00 GMT