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I am here for Networking

About Me

Born in Bloomington, Indiana in 19**, Silence X. Whittaker has lived throughout the United States but still considers himself a Hoosier at heart. He has logged time in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and now lives in Atwater, California, with his second wife and four children.
Whittaker returned to Indiana in 19**, when he enrolled at Indiana University. He intended to obtain a degree in chemistry and continue on to medical school; events in his life (that is, his penchant for alcohol and partying) steered him towards less-demanding academic work and he graduated in December, 1991 with a degree in English. With this extremely useful degree, Whittaker was astonished to find that he could not get any work during the recession. He was forced into work by the clash of his mid-western worth ethic and the harping of his ex-wife and spent the years of his youth having his vitality and optimism sucked out of him by the fast-food industry, in which he was a manager at Taco Bell, McDonald's, Boston Market, and Beacon Oil. Whittaker refuses to speak about these days.
Following a near nervous break down, Whittaker went back to school and taught emotionally disturbed children at a non-public school in Turlock, California for four years. This served to heighten his cynicism and disillusionment with the world. Whittaker left the school in October 2001 to become an educational psychologist at a large school district in Stanislaus County, and where he spent his days trying not to throttle teachers and administrators.
In June 2006 Whittaker because a program specialist in Turlock, California, and now spends his days looking for a stiff ceiling and a length of rope to hang himself from.A little about the books:
ISBN 0-7388-6747-0
A Thing So Small: What happens when a child, possessed by his desire for a father, climbs through the man's window and finds his daughter, the only barrier to happiness, dead? Parris Montgomery Bishop has never wanted anything but a father and now it seems as if his dream will finally be realized; why does Fate seem to conspire against him? The reader journeys with Parris through the exhilaration of a boy finding a father and then the despair of losing him, the sadness of realizing that he never could have held on to him, and then elation as Parris, sentenced to jail for assaulting his mother, begins his journey and decides to accept control of his life again, inspiring and uplifting as the boy we have come to sympathze with becomes reborn.
ISBN 1-4010-0405-9
No Crab: What happens when two men with two different designs for their fiction unite to write a book together? The result is No Crab, a collection of short stories and novel excerpts from writers Delbert Devins and Silence Whittaker, and a unique, enlightening document that shows two unique approaches to their beloved medium.
ISBN 1-4010-1755-X
The Stone Gods Did Not Make a Sound: When a night intended to be one of emergence, timed so that a young man may discard his old persona for a newer, more interesting one, an accidental murder begins the reader on the emotional, bold exploration of the friendship of four men who were best friends in college. Harold must go on the run, convinced the police know of his guilt; Richard and Davis, separated by time and unseuccessful relationships, must try to repair their own friendship to find Harold and tell him that he is not a suspect. When their last friend, Genesis, emerges from obscurity, hounded with his own debts and an impending charge of embezzlement, finds out that money is involved, the reader will experience the highs and lows of the friendship, will feel disappointment and disgust at how some of the men have changed, uplifted as the characters themselves delineate the meaning and the terms of their freiendship, and shock as the book reaches its climax with a dangerous car accident, two friends, and one gun on the side of an Indiana interstate.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Howard Stern, Gene Colan, Stan Lee, Don Delilo, Jim Steranko, Brian Michael Bendis, Martin Scorsese, George Martin, Bill Clinton, Eric Idle, Paul McCartney, Jimmie Kimmel, Norm McDonald, George Carlin.

My Blog

My Idea

I'm declaring this to the world right now so that nobody can steal my idea:  Serial Killer porn.  You heard it here first. I'll end up in hell but I'll be rich.
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 18:02:00 GMT


I think anybody who knows me (again) knows how difficult it is for me to make friends.  It has been this way my whole life and I doubt it changes at this point because I'm forty and that's the wa...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:08:00 GMT

High School

I'm about to turn forty years old and so I've spent some time reflecting on my life and, most recently, my High School years. Anybody who knows me (and probably anybody in general) wouldn't be surpris...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:01:00 GMT

Happy Birthday

Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, knows that I hate crowds. Today, for my daughter's 19th birthday, he boyfriend threw her a surprise party.  He got her out of the house and her friend...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 14:47:00 GMT

The Tide of Consciousness

I had an interesting experience over the last two days.A little back story:  when I was a boy, in Indiana, my parents slept in late on Sunday mornings.  Late for them was 8:00 or so.  B...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 19:15:00 GMT

Will Somebody Please Buy Our House?

Some words of encouragement would be nice. Our first real estate agent was patently negligent.  If you're in Merced County, California and want to know his name so that you never list with him, I...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 19:49:00 GMT

Bill O'Reilly Must Die

Do I need to say anything more other than the title? It's a sad, disgusting symbol of our times.  The man is a pathetic racist, transparent in his right-wing, corporate Christianism.  It is ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 20:51:00 GMT

Sermon of Straw 1st 3 chapters, Unpublished, Productive Criticism Only, Please

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Danny       Danny waited for that one letter three years and ten months and through ten-thousand dollars ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:15:00 GMT

Winter In Disguise, Unpublished, 1st 2 Chapters, Productive Criticism Only

             It wasn't possible for him to know of it, for the image to be so poignant, to be woven indelibly within his recollections  an anomal...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:11:00 GMT

Where There is Writing on Flat Stones, Productive Comments Only

i..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />                When he was growing up (Charly, that is) there was ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 18:59:00 GMT