~**s E ñ O r i T a**~
Fo shizzle lass! One heck of a gal! A lot to show to the world! You’ll think she’s a snobbish gurl with her looks! Whoops! Gimme a break! A simple but a kewl gurl, likes to do some crazy stuff! Haha! behind that smile lies a highly-willed personality.. [betcha find out!]
you’ll think she the type of gurl, who is a happy-go-lucky, but if it’s a serious stuff she is really serious.. [whoaw!!]
this gurl, love to go on gimmicks.. in short gimekera! Loves to hang out with her fwends, she don’t care about the time, whats important to her is to enjoy and have fun wid her fwends! They do lotta things, you know some gurl stuff [!@$%&*]
easily you can get along cuz she is soOoOo TALKATIVE… you will really enjoy her company, she likes to say some crazay and funny stories that will make your stomach ache.. [hahahahaha!]
the other side of this gurl is that shes the baby or the sweet charming one but the NAUGHTIEST.. [you will really miss this gurl..]
and when it cums to her fwends, [hol on!] a tru pal! “don’t eva try to mess around me or wid my fwends!†“just get ur hell ass out in huRrR..â€. [a rili strong personality]
she is also fond of things that is color pink.. luvs stars.. and bubbles of powerpuff gurls.. [cute huh..]
ill tell you one of her crush.. its **Duncan Ramos and Vin Diesel** [SsSsSshHh..it’s a SECRET, don’t tell anyone..ayt?!]
AnGeLcHiQ Ryt HuRrR..à wURrUp?! d HeLL aBoUT ThIS cHiQ – aBoUT mE?! A L0t Of tHAnGs U cAn SaY tO me… -- dUh?! – As iF I cRE!!! DoN’t eVA TrY To MeSS ArOunD mE… CoZ I DoN’t LiKe tO WaStE mY TiME wID ThoSe LoSZeRs.. sO wAtCHA goNna dO aboUT it?! HUh?! sO iF I wER yU!!! --- iF u CanT HanDLe iT – JuSt gEt LoST?! -- aN ANgEL iS bORn In dA Ho0D, MaDE a nAmE LIvE oN, A-N-G-E-L-C-H-I-Q, HoLLA! fEeL mE… -- U rILi DuNnO mE – iF u MinD, iLL telL iT 2 u eVerYthaNG… -- iL ShoW yU mHA RiL BloOD.. – dA RiL MeEe.. –
iM a cHiQ dAt yU cAN rUN oN tO wEn Ur In A TrOuBlE anD aiNT goNnA LeaVE yU.. – a gUrL hU iS ReADy tO MaSH Ur EneMiES.. – tO U PeEpZ DoN’t eVA hUrT My FwenDs.. I RiLi LuV mY GanGstA FweNdS aND mY hOmmiEs! CoZ I wIL mKE uR LiFe iN HeLL.. – iM Da chiQ dAT cAn RiDe wiD yU – GIgS -– NiGHtLifE – ParTY oL nyT.. mY HaiR DoNe, oUfIT cRaZy! SkiRts fiT JusT rYT! AiNT AsHaMeD oF mY FrAME..LiP gLOsS sHiNiN’ tAttOeS oN dA BacK! ATTitUdE LiKe MaRY J. MiXeD wID BrAT! (yEaH!) yU cNt fIND mE iN a LiBrArY oR aT a church! NaMe BrAnD hAT? SUmtHnG tO MatcH dAT PurSE (uH, oH) I lUv cHiLLiN oUT wId mY HiPcHiXx fWEndS.. tAlKN aBouT B-O-Y-S!!! ThOuGH wE PlAY a LoT Of GamEs, We PlaY ‘Em tO wIn!! HAHA! DIs iS mHa LiFE.. –
yU knOw dErs a LoT oF stUFF dAt yU dUnNo aBoUt diS cHiQ... rEspOnsIbLe pRsOn, knOws mY pRiOrItiEs iN mhA lifE, i dnt gvE A dAmN thiNg dAt WiL rUiN mHa LiFE.. yU gO gUrL!gImMe A bReAk!hihihAha! DuNcAn RaMos AnD ViN dIesEL... SsssSssH.. iTz a sEcrEt.. hUwAaAaT!.