Life, getting my shit together and living every day like it could be my last
god.... so i can tell him what i think about him
Music is a very serious subject with me. I mean if i cant listen to music i enjoy with some one that person is no longer allowed in my presence i have to enjoy the same music a the people around me. i listen to alot of hard core bands like throwdown and hatebreed, but i also like dave matthews band and mason jennings and the like so i listen to a very wide range of music.
Well i am the kind of guy that can only watch a movie i cant predict. the movie has to have a good plot and story line, and if possible some kind of true history in side of the movie
My favorite channel is Comedy Central. Mind of Mencia is my favorite show. i also enjoy the daily show and the colbert report
I like fantasy books like the lord of the rings but books that have a more real and possible twist to them, my favorite series are A Song of Ice and Fire, and The Wheel of Time.
I have good many heroes for many reasons, my music hero is Maynard James Keenan the lead singer of both Tool and A Perfect Circle. My art hero is Picaso because he chose to rattle the cages of the art world by painting such wild and unheard of things, he was a fantastic realism painter but he chose to paint in a very unrealistic style. I have more heros but i think these will do nicely to tell you what kind of things im intersted in doing with my life