Photography, Theatre (acting, stage managing, writing, directing, lighting design- in that order), contortionism, teaching (theatre).
People to photograph, people to worship.
I know sometimes this section seems like a competition in who can come up with the most obscure names… but I am going to put down what my mp3 player has deemed my “most popular†out of the hundred of bands I actual have on there:
-Iron & Wine
-P.J. Harvey
-Otis Redding
That’s actually a very odd, yet very accurate sampling of my musical tastes.
I'm a pirate and have found nearly everything is worth a blank CD. Although lately I've been on a French movie kick and have been struggling to find movies with subtitles. :)
without doubt if the TV is on, it's on Discovery or Comedy central. I wish I could pay for just those 2 channels.
"ceux qui ont été censés pour être lus avec une main"
"Sex" is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other. -Marquis de Sade