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About Me

Ron Tucker a.k.a. "Tuck" was born at the cross sections of Lakewood and Inwood Streets in the heart of South Jamaica Queens. His mother and father by the ages of 17 and 19 years respectively, were married and had three children. The difficulties of raising 3 children at such a young age proved too much for his parents and he and his siblings were split up to live with other family members.Throughout much of his preteen and teenage years, Tuck never saw much of his mother and only saw his father when it was time to "instill discipline"... a form of obscure physical abuse which came in the form of "Tyson blows to the face and the body" for the most trivial of infractions; if anything at all. With this, Tuck would travel the gritty streets of Southside Queens searching for guidance and instruction that could only be given from a "father figure". At the impressionable age of seventeen, Tuck found his father figure who appeared in the form of a street hustler; the alleged leader of one of the most feared drug organizations in the history of New York City; The Supreme Team. Under the tutelage of the infamous "Prince" , Tuck would join this organization as a hand to hand seller of crack cocaine and quickly rise through the ranks of the drug trade, eventually becoming a lieutenant and ultimately a leader of his own crew. However his rise in the street would not come without great sacrifice, as he would be forced to witness the murders of some of his closest friends, become the victim of police brutality, corruption and gun violence. He unflinchingly admits to being "part and parcel of everything the drug game had to offer." Later, he would take a serious interest in the sport of boxing, however, the magnetic attraction of the fast life proved too powerful, and his interest in the "sweet science" ultimately would take a backseat to the "sour streets" of Southside Queens. Tuck would eventually spend over a decade and a half in state and federal prisons for choices he made as a teenager.  He seeks no fame or fortune from his story, only the likelihood that another, if only one, will read his story; learn from his mistakes and quite possibly choose a different path. Tuck is currently hard at work, penning his memoir "TEAM PLAYER" Look for it soon in bookstores everywhere. I get the best new  MySpace Layouts at !        I get the best new  MySpace Layouts at !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mr. President Barack Obama, Serena Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, Assata Shakur,

My Blog

Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 14:27:00 GMT