*Lorna* profile picture


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About Me

Myspace CommentsHiya! Im lorna, I work in Tesco, If you havnt seen me, you've heard me. My ambision in life is to join the police and hopefully it wont be to long as my application is being processed at the mo. At the moment im jus livin my life like any normal 21 yr old, i.e partying all the time! lol. I like to go out with the girls on the weekends and get absolutely wrecked. Im a really bubbly an outgoin person, so if you wont to chat to me then jus drop a line. My msn addy is: lady_bond@hotmail.co.uk Speak soon i hope! Tarrah for now!
What Your Underwear Says About You
You buy the sexiest underwear you kind find, and always have something hot on underneath your clothes.

You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty. The Underwear Oracle

My Interests


Myspace Comments

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Ab's from five!!

Your Adult Film Star Name Is...
Afro Clam What's Your Adult Film Star Name?


Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 66% Superman 60% The Flash 55% Green Lantern 55% Iron Man 45% Hulk 40% Robin 38% Wonder Woman 36% Catwoman 35% Spider-Man 30% Batman 25% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Myspace Comments
a b o u t m e - l a d i e s o n l y
- b a s i c s -
name:: lorna
age:: 21
location:: pontypool
birthdate:: 16/12/86
- p e r s o n a l s -
height:: 5ft 6
weight:: ???
hair:: brown
eyes:: brown
nationality:: british
- b a d h a b i t s -
smoke?: yeah
drink?: hell yeah
drugs?: only coffee
lie?: well?
cheat?: no
steal?: no
swear?: f**kin rite
- t h i s or t h a t -
fire or ice?: ice
winter or summer?: summer
rain or snow?: snow
hot chocolate or coffee?: coffee
hot tea or ice tea?: hot tea
coke or pepsi?: pepsi
ice cream or cake?: ice cream
chocolate or vanilla?: choc
strawberry or cherry?: cherry
watermelon or kiwi?: kiwi
peach or pear?: peach
peanut butter or jelly?: neither
- i n a g u y -
taller or shorter?: taller
body type?: muscular
hair?: dont mind
eyes?: wot eva
tattoos or piercings?: tattoos
his style?: wot eva
- f a v o r i t e s -
pop?: white
flavor?: lemon
song?: beautiful girl
movie?: transformers
color?: orange
- z o d i a c -
your sign?:
do you believe that the zodiac is correct about love matches?:
- g e n e r a l -
what is the best feeling in the world?: winning
what is the worst feeling in the world?: hangover
what is your main goal for 2007?: live life
what do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?: buyin a house
what is your lifetime goal?: make money
if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Sidney
why would you go there?: lush weather
who is the one person in your life that inspires you?: my friends
how do they inspire you?: they are awsum
what are 3 positive words your friends would use to describe you?: funny, mad & lovely
what 3 negative words would your friends use to describe you?: none to my face
name one person from your past that changed your life.: loadz
- a d v i c e - f o r - a l l -
Never leave the one you love for the one you like..
Cause the one you like will leave you for the one they love.
Never take life for granted, it's too short..
Stop and smell the roses..
Live for today..
Live for this moment..
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According to experts, I am :

64% Naughty
Take the Naughty Quiz at JokesUnlimited.com


Myspace CommentsEven though i don't watch much tele i do follow my soaps like; Friends, Eastenders, Corrie, Hollyoaks, Emmerdale and The Bill.
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My Blog

New Year = New Me!

New Year = New Me!                ...
Posted by *Lorna* on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:28:00 PST