hAngIN oUt WIth mY m8'S n ShOppIN!!
ParAmORe PLEASE :) ..Oh N thIS GuY
SoMe oF my FAvouRitE bANds ArE gOOd cHArloTtE, nEw foUnD gLOry, pAraMOrE, 30 sEcONds tO mArS, fUNeraL fOr A FriEnd, hEaD aUtOmatiCA, hIT The LiGHts, kIDs iN glAsS HoUses, MaDinA lAkE, tAkInG BAck sUndaY, YeLlowcArd, aTReyU, EscApE tHe FAtE, FrOm fiRsT tO LAsT, iN tHIs MomEnT, sEnsEs FaIL, SilVeRstEIN, tHE usEd n eNtER sHiKAri!
src="http://stuff.pyzam.com/graphics/sayingsquotes/leanne34. gif" border="0" /EviL WOmAn, niGhT aT tHe MusEum, tHE cRow, mOnSteR hoUse, euRo triP, All amEriCan PiE fIlMs, A wAlk tO rEmeMbeR, teAm AmeRica, BOth piRateS oF tHe cArriBeaN, 40 YeAr oLd viRgiN, roAd tRip N ThE gIrL nExt dOoR!
fAmigly GuY, sAveD bY tHe BEll, mOSt haUnTed, aMeriCaN iDol, bRitAiNs gOt TaLEnt n LOST!
Umm...kErRAng maGaziNe! lol
Jack and Jill Went up the hill to have some hanky panky. Silly Jill forgot her pill And now there's little Franky.JaCk BlAck n StEPheN LYncH!!
pink stars and writing on black