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I am here for Friends

About Me

Dear Lord, I am a sinner. I believe You died for me and rose from the grave to forgive my sins and secure me a place in heaven. Come into my life and take control. Forgive all my sin and help me as I forgive others. I’m now turning from my sin and I trust You alone for my salvation and a new way of living the life you gave me. Fill me with your love and peace, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
MySpace Layouts & email me: [email protected]
I got married June 8, 1991. We finally had our first daughter on January 14, 1998 and our second daughter August 14, 1999. We have two cats, Dark Boy and Light Boy. My favorite things to do are camping...real camping in a tent. I like the smell of the campfire and I get lost in thought looking up at the dark sky with the stars above us at night. Karaoke is my winter passion. I can't sing but I act like a rock star when I am up on stage...I love that! Some would say a goofball more than a rock When we aren't camping, I love to get up early (7am) on Saturday mornings. I enjoy drinking coffee at The Diner downtown then head over to shop the Farmer's Market.I enjoy hanging out with family and friends. Nothing is more fun than hanging out on the patio just enjoying each other while sipping on cool drinks and watching the kids play. I am comforted to hang out with other Christians but I haven't gone to church in a long time. I have a Bible study/devotion time to God at work Monday through Friday. I talk with people about Jesus all the time. I pray for people around the world to have a concrete faith in Jesus our Lord and our Messiah. That's important. I wish I had more believers to hang out with and learn from.I never joined the armed forces but have a great respect and admiration for those who did. I feel that I am doing my American duty by writing my elected officials, helping my neighbors, working hard, knowing and enforcing my rights, voting and eating apple pie. I do not like the hyphenation of Americans (like Irish-American, African-American). Americans will never have peace with each other if we keep voluntarily segregating ourselves from those who are “different” from us. If someone's ancestors are Irish or African, that's cool, but if you are an American, just call yourself an American. I am offended by the handouts given to those who should be working. Handouts weaken those whom are strong and should be providing for themselves and their families. Handouts should be for those whom cannot do for themselves; the old, widowed with children, the orphan, the sick, the destitute.I love America's beauty, strength and honor. Americans have the biggest hearts and want the best for its neighbors both contiguous and overseas. I am proud of our attempts to spread democracy. I am proud of those who have fought and/or died to protect and encourage freedom for all.I am so thankful to God who has given me 17 years of marriage to the greatest man in my life, Sean. After I come home from my full-time job as an administrative assistant, I enjoy being a mother to my two beautiful daughters ages 9 and almost 11. I am a true blue friend and neighbor. I am a woman so my tears come easily enough but I can take the hard times with the best of them. I enjoy a cold beer and a good laugh. When I make the time, I enjoy the opportunity to volunteer for and donate to the less fortunate.There is much more to me than meets the eye and as Erma Bombeck once said, "I hope that when I die I have used up all the talent that God gave me."I look forward to reacquainting with my schoolmates and childhood friends... So say hello ok!
Young evangelist attacked...

I wish everyone could be like the true lady in this news article.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who actually listen to their conscience. I want to meet people who feel guilty when they do something wrong. I want to meet people who LOVE the Lord. I want to meet people who sacrifice their own desires to do the right thing. I want to meet people who step out of their lives to better the life of the less fortunate. I want to meet people who use money for the good of others. I want to meet poeple who do not hoard but instead give their stuff to those who need or ask for it. I want to meet people who care for a child with neglectful parents. I want to meet people who are loyal to their spouse. I want to meet people who find marriage a sacred gift from God. I want to meet a friend who doesn't become a heartache. I want to meet people who believe God became human to save us from our sins.I want to meet people who are none of these so I can encourage them to be better than they are today.

My Blog


AN OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA"Dear President Obama:You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.You scare me because after months of ex...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 06:58:00 GMT

Rantings about Health Care

The Problems with Health Care and It Isn't the Government.   If you Google "health care", you get millions of results. From health care jobs to health care reform. Health care is a big deal. I am real...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:23:00 GMT

Surviving Your Single Daughter's Pregnancy: I need help! This has some good advice...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 08:29:00 GMT

My Confession

This is short but I had to write it out. Last night after work I went to my daughter's music recital. I propped my feet on the bar on the folding chair in front of me and relaxed while I waited for t...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Nov 2008 02:05:00 GMT

Had a funny today....

This morning when I got to work I had to park on the side of the street because my boss had the parking lot resurfaced and it was blocked off with CAUTION tape. As I walked to my car at the end ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 22:53:00 GMT

Say yes to yourself!

Instead of passing the bail out, we should have done nothing. It would have given each of us a chance to purge the EXTRA we've allowed to take over our lives generation after generation. We NEED a lif...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 02:00:00 GMT


It is criminal to make the tax payer bail out the gamblers that lost in the housing market. The bail out will not save people from losing their homes. The bail out ensures the rich stay rich. Tax paye...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 04:53:00 GMT

My mom

I am crying tonight. My sister and I went to see my mom. She is fading fast. Oh my goodness, is she fading. My mom has always been a big girl. 200+ lbs. She's probably 130 lbs, maybe less because her...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:09:00 GMT

My mom

My mom is sick with cancer and our family needs your prayers. Her name is Melinda. She had an aneurysm nine years ago when she was 49. It took her ability to talk, walk, use her right arm which has ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:41:00 GMT

The Stock Market Crash of 1929

Why did the stock market crash in 1929? How do stocks that are thriving one month be completely penniless the next? You invest money into an idea or company and that money goes for support and then, a...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 08:16:00 GMT