Zmajev Rep profile picture

Zmajev Rep

About Me

The band Zmajev Rep released their 3rd album ‘Sanje podob’ this January. The album’s release is going to be promoted through extensive touring all over Slovenia and abroad. The album was recorded at a home studio in just a first few takes, which results in the album sounding different from previous ones, both conceptually and sound-wise. The creative process of making this record is strongly linked to life dilemmas and crossroads of the band’s members and sets strong foundations for further musical growth.
Zmajev Rep first got together in 1998. Two years later they recorded their first studio material at the Kif-Kif studio. In the year 2003 they released their debut album ‘Ogenj’, which was a sort of a firstborn of their local ‘rebel’ scene. Prior to releasing their debut album, the guys played all over Slovenia and were then ready to represent their new material live.
In time, the band showed interest in “broken” rhythms, so they promptly in imbedded tonality and rhythm shifts into their material for the next album ‘Urok’ (2005). After ‘Urok’, things started changing again. Zmajev Rep, essentially a rock band, got more and more drawn towards jazz. Now, their music sounds like an alloy or a fusion of “broken” progressive music with a jazz influence. The band starts putting less emphasis on vocals and lyrics and start focusing more on the primal aural expression. The final result – music which doesn’t burden itself with labels or genre definitions. The same can be said for their existing opus. The constant is variable!
Skupina Zmajev Rep je januarja letos izdala tretji album Sanje podob, ki ga nameravajo pospremiti z intenzivno turnejo po domovini in preko. Skladbe za plo--co so bile posnete v domaci »kuhinji«, v prvem ali zgolj nekaj poskusih, kar je eden od razlogov, da so posnetki konceptualno in zvocno drugacni od predhodnih. Nastajanje zadnje plo--ce je povezano s prestopom --ivljenjskih dilem in prelomnic clanov Zmajevega repa in predstavlja temelj za nadaljnje glasbeno zorenje.
Zmajev rep so se zbrali leta 1998, prvi studijski posnetki pa so nastali dve leti kasneje v studiu Kif-Kif. Leta 2003 je nato v samozalo--bi iz--el prvenec Ogenj, ki je bil nekak--en prvi otrok »--ompeterske« (domace ime za Bistrico ob Sotli) uporni--ke scene. Do tega rojstva je cetverica odbrusila kar nekaj koncertov po slovenskih klubih in odrih, tako da so bili pripravljeni v --ivo zagovarjati tisto, kar so posneli.
Scasoma je clane zacarala »lomljena« ritmika, zato so znotraj skladb, ki so bile spocete za plo--co Urok (2005), promptno uvedli menjavo tonalitet in ritmov. Po Uroku so se stvari zopet zacele spreminjati. Iz rocka je zasedbo vse bolj vleklo proti jazzu. In tako se njihova glasba sedaj sli--i kot zlitje ali fuzija nalomljene progresive z jazzovskim navdihom. Zasedba namrec vse manj dela na vokalih in liriki in vedno vec na primarnem, zvocnem izra--anju. Posledica tega je glasba, ki ni --anrsko opredeljena, kaj --ele obremenjena. Podobno velja za njihov dosedanji opus. Konstanta je spremenljiv(k)a!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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Member Since: 31/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Andrej Boštjancic - Ruda: guitar
Jošt Drašler: bass
Vid Drašler: drums
Ambrož Božicek: keyboards

Sounds Like: Padec po stopnicah

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Record Label: Sanje
Type of Label: Indie

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