aBout science la...and the person that i misz alwayz.shahira,aliff,kimie,mat,wan,wafiy,mida,farah n manymore..
Free Music http://img33.picoodle.com/img/img33/6/10/22/f_26062007152m_1
Orang2 yang beRjaya,zoey,iRwanShah,acha sePtriaSa,siTi nuRhaLiza,paRis HiltoN n banYak lagi la..hehe.paS2,KgKwn skooL rNdaH yg aku sLalu riNdu,KGkWn yg daH pinDah,yang daH MEnGHiLang,kgKwn KRB 2005,..bDAK2 Group aKu.n ALL FRIEND KRB 2007..U ALL ALWAYZ IN MY MEMORY!!
Irwanshah-peNcinta waNita/perempuanku/my heaRt,paRis HiLton-sTars are bLind/notHing in tHis world,ashlee simpSon-L.O.V.E,my cHemical roMance-HeLena/welCome 2 the bLack PaRade/I Don..t love u,aGnes moniCa-ku t..lah jatuh ciNta/x ada loGika,ct nuR haLiza-byak r,acha sePtriasa-sMpai mnutup mata/beRdua lbih baiK/my Heart/ada cinta,..
heaRt,Miss congenialiTy 1 n 2,evolution,fiNal desTination 1 n 2,sPiderman 1,2,3,niGht at the museuM,moNsteR inc,FinDing nemo,MoNsteR houSe..
duNia Baru,CiNta meDik,dua Hati,baWang meRaH baWang Putih,muTiara Hati,Lost,siLence,fuLL HouSE,WiNteR soNata,SEpHia,sHiN Chan,doRaeMon,miRmo ziBang,jimMy neutRon n maNy moRe.......
aBouT scIence,astRonomy,mediciNe,bioloGy teXt book n majalah2 yG bnYak gmBar arTis.hehe,chemistry text book..
my luvly father..