thAt my iNteRests
I like To MeEt a kinD of pEopLe arE nOt plasTiC, gOod frieNd To eVerYoNe or to all pe0ple ar0und him!!!!!, gOod aTt!Tude Not bad pEopLe.. vErY frieNdLy HiNdi bOriNg kausap..CoOl and HapPy eVeryDay and eVeryTime....aNd bLue eyes...heheheh...and i really really like a chinesse image of guy..or a gurl..
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ReSeNdEnT EvIl 1&2, HouSe Of The de@Th , DaWn Of ThE Death.....@nD @ll Sc@ry MoVies!!!!!!!!( "; ) Smile
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..i Like aLL faShioN maGaziNe.. aNd tHe aLL of HArRy pOtter mAny mOre
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