Heather profile picture


Everything purple is mine! Everything else can be dyed or painted....

About Me

My name is Heather and I am a professional geek. I have a PhD in Physics and I work as a research scientist. I LOVE my job! There is nothing more cool than physics and I have not managed to satisfy my curiosity yet. I was always the annoying kid at the front of the class going "But why?!....."

My gorgeous husband is a scientist too so you can imagine how exciting the conversation round our dinner table is :o) It's pretty common for physicists to marry other physicists. Not sure what that says about us as a social group. Hmmmm.

I became a respectable married woman on the 17th of May this year. Well, married at least ;o) My friends will all be pleased now that I'm no longer constantly talking about wedding stuff. So far I can highly recommend married life. It's pretty similar to how things were before, only now I have more jewellery, a tiara, and a much cooler last name.

My Interests

Oh so many things. How can you sum up a persons interests in one little box? I do love playing my Bongos, reading, listening to music, and pretending I know something about photography (although really all I do is tramp about with my ancient Soviet built SLR camera from Ebay taking blurry pictures that I think will look "interesting". Usually all this results in is weird looking out of focus pictures of items I can't identify.Oh well.)

I'd like to meet:

Most of the people I would like to meet are dead, is that allowed? Because unless some sort of time travel or talking to ghosts is allowed here then that would just be creepy.Shall I bore you with a list of dead scientists that I would like to quiz? No. But Richard Feynman would definately be on that list.From the world of film I would like to meet Kevin Spacey (who is an amazing actor) along with Judi Dench, Al Pacino and Patrick Stewart (Go Picard!)From the world of music I would LOVE to meet Iron Maiden, and possibly Lordi although that might be a scary encouter. I would like to meet Pete Doherty purely so I can punch him in the face (is that an OK reason to want to meet him?). I can't believe such a waste of space is supposed to be a 'rock icon'. In fact I would like to introduce him to Lordi who really know what rock is and then sit back and watch the limbs go flying.

Lordi - they KNOW what Rock is, even when they're only at Tesco...

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I am such a music junkie, I can't possibly list all my favourites. I'm still predominantly into rock/metal music but in my old age I have found a love of jazz, blues and classical music too. I'm saw Iron Maiden and Trivium at the end of last year and it was unbelievable! Maiden rule!


The Godfather, anything by Tarantino, Asian horror movies (and not the crappy American remakes!), chick flicks of all shapes and sizes.....billions of films really


I don't watch a lot of TV being a bit of a DVD fan (plus don't get me started on a big rant about how TV was better in my day!). My favourite type of TV is definately David Attenborough's Wildlife ..aries. I get such a boost of geeky joy learning all about all the weird and wonderful bits of nature out there. I am also a big Buffy/Angel fan, I like Friends and my guilty little secret is that I am totally addicted to "America's Next Top Model" (and yes I do know that's pathetic)


Much to the disgust of my far better read brother I mainly read complete trash. There is the occaisional high brow (or at least mainstream) book thrown into the mix but really I have to think too hard at work to read books that require even more thinking in my freetime. I love trashy supernatural based romance fiction for example the Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton, the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, the Rachel Morgan books by Kim Harrison and the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. These books contain no long words, kickass female heroines and hunky blokes. What more do you want?!


I suppose I ought to put something clever in here like Ghandi or something but really my all time hero is The Hoff.

Here's a pic of the great Hoff and the hugely talented (though small of stature) Gary Coleman. "what'chu talkin' 'bout?"

My Blog

What’s your favourite horror movie?

The topic of today's "Writers Block" over on LiveJournal is scary movies and it's really caught my interest.  I love scary movies and you can see me waxing lyrical about my favourites at: http:...
Posted by Heather on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 01:08:00 PST

Ironic Va-jay-jays, Horny Goats and Broomsticks

Greetings dear reader, and how are you this fine Sunday?  Rather than my usual rants against society and the cult of celebrity I thought this time I would share with you a few little things tha...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 10:58:00 PST

Living La Vida Online

Not to be outgeeked by my brother I am giving this Livejournal thingy a whirl. You can find me at: http://h-dalgarno.livejournal.com/ The way of the future or simply another step towards all absorbin...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 06:27:00 PST

Catching the Shutterbug

Greetings dear reader. How are things with you today? Apparently we are now at the beginning of Autumn. Perhaps that means the weather will stop seeming quite so unfair. Although I must admit it ha...
Posted by Heather on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 02:10:00 PST

Killer Heels

I think I may have actually found the most killer pair of heels on the planet.  I went out to buy a sensible pair of heels to wear to conferences.  I decided to buy these instead.  It ...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 12:15:00 PST

Incy Wincy Bites the Dust - Death and Photography

Greetings dear reader and how are you today? Some of you might know that I have just signed up for a distance learning Photography course which basically translates to me being even more annoying th...
Posted by Heather on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 02:35:00 PST

Damn the Man! Further Rants Against Corporate Dictatorships

While plans for the revolution gather speed I have added another company to my hitlist.  Looks like it won't just be Steve Jobs up against that wall - he'll have company in the form of the inter...
Posted by Heather on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 02:17:00 PST

iTunes is EVIL and MUST DIE!

I have ranted before on the topic of Apple and their spawn of satan products and software but today my opinion of them reached an all-time low.  I have spent the greater part of my Sunday, a d...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 12:04:00 PST

The Muse has Flown

Well dear reader I am hugely frustrated.  Why?  Well because in the past week I have spent several hours compiling things for several blogs that I have been working on.  I've been read...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 04:55:00 PST

Dyscalculia and The Doldrums

Greetings dear reader, and how are we all feeling today? You could be forgiven for thinking that I have dropped off the radar, since it has been so long since I wrote to this blog with any regularit...
Posted by Heather on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 01:19:00 PST