About Me
CASS = ¾ (bubble-lover) Philosopher 2 + 5 (12Music junkie 22 )Professional student ÷ √random
I do... many things...i absolutely detest routine without variation; the moment something becomes that for me, i get bored and simply must explore again. Music[+singing] is my first addiction, my first and truest love, and the one thing I can be certain that I'll never become bored with. Neverrr! I dance like an idiot in public, when in private I do the same, just in mis skivvies ;9 i love to play in the rain (when it damn happens...) and squish in the mud. I'll be a student for the rest of my life, whether a student of a school or a student of life. Me=professional spinner (in circles)... Like to be with friends and laugh[FYI, I crack myself up, and unabashedly revel in it] :) oh cheeeese the list goes on and on...love road trips, bubbles, gazing, meeting new (awesome) people, candy and ice cream, animals, vegetarian food[hehe check that opportune listing placement], FAIR TRADE, cuddling, seeing people smile like they mean it; i live to create. CARTOONS are my second addiction [i really think a part of me would freaking die without them].
These are a few[more] of my favorite things : honesty, video games/computer games, puzzles, sudoku, word searches, hopscotch, button button who's got the button, flashlight-nakey-tackle-tag, beauty, pasta, ooh and SWINGING[on swings, like at a park; I think you left your mind in that gutter across the street... ;9], the arts, horticulture/permaculture, giving and receiving alternative perspectives, clouds, psychedelia, kisses, this moment... I'm going to help people see that we can change the world; caring stems from awareness. I don't believe in limitations upon how much a single person can do with their blissfully fortuitous time alive, especially to help themselves and others. I love exploration and adventure; tranquility and a little danger[only a little , I say!] My favorite emotions are wonderment, amazement, and lovvve<3 I want to be remembered, more than anything.<3
I am... everything and nothing.
I sell CUTCO, yo! killer stuff mayne, killer stuff... if'n you're interested, hit me up here, email, or phone (if you have it ;p )
<333 Much love guys *muAH!* <333
Bizarre Off The Wall:
What is your favorite pattern? tie-dye and polka dots!
Plaid mini Or bondage wear? plaid mini...for reasons undefined. :)
Gothic or Celtic? Quaker.
Black or red? well, now, that depends... are we talking 'original' black, or whatever the 'new' black happens to be this season? You see, the inherent conundrum there lies in the instance that red should become the 'new' black. And then, inevitably, chaos would ensue... so, I'll preemptively save myself the pain of such politics, and invoke my right to plead the Fifth. ;P
handcuffs or silk ties? silk-eee smooth ;9
Erotic Or Sensual? now, now, obviously we haven't been properly taught...that it should be both
Whip cream or chocolate syrup? syrup... is messy. i like messy. =O
Stilettos or Chunky Heel Boots? neither, really... short is cute. but, if you threaten to cut off my pinky toe if'n i dunn' give a decisive answer, I'd hafta go with the eff' me stilettos ;)
Metal or Wood? WOOD!!!!!!!!! (heh, she said wood) ;P
Candles or lights? candles...
Love hats? effing riDICuloUSly big and gaudy ones ;9
Metal or Emo? ummmm experimental? grindcore? flamenco? fusion? why fusion? just fuse, i say...indiexperibossamogressiveshowcore!
Bulletbike or Harley? FOUR WHEELER. 's just how i roll ;9
Mixed drinks or shots? i don't like being shot.
Cows or horses? i'm a pony! i'm a pony! DON'T YOU JUST FEEL LIKE A PONY??? (10 points if'n you guess correctly where this is from) ;P
Car or truck? wings
Mud or sand? mud...squishy squishy
Bald or long hair? eeeeh i like hair some, yes.
Stucco or brick? brick. HOUUSE.. she mighteh MightEH, justa lettin it aaaallll hang out! ;p
Basketball or football? either way, you're goin down *b!tch, I'm shinin...* ;9
Boxing or ultimate fighting? greco-roman wrestling. check it.
Natural or madeup? on *you* or on *me*? :O (o' snap) ;p
Tomboy or girly girl? me. what the eff kind of question is that??
long nails or short? on me? long-ish...cat scratch feva...beowwww-boew-bow-meowww ;9
colors or earthtones? IMAGI-colour, silly!
Quickie or Hrs? well, now. This.is.classified. :)
Foreplay or wham bam thank u maA M? lol inconclusive; not enough info to solve. :)
Rainy day or sunny? twirl in the rain; blaze in the sun.
Fireplace or heater? fireplace. you can be my heater ;b
Biting or sucking? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Amazingly, I can bite that little bit o' skin you have on the top of your
cranium. Just FYI.. ;)
All over a room or just in bed? don' fence meeee iiin
Do u sleep on your side? at some point
How many blankets do u have on your bed? 4
Do u drool when sleeping? hahahaha that's not why you're sticking to your bed, sweetie
Snore? *gasp!* i'm a lady! ;O
Don't know cause u r asleep and sleep alone? i'm ubiquitous.
Do u feel this survey is weird, stupid, or just a waste of time? gonna find my baby gonna hold her tight gonna grab some afternoon delight... my motto's always been when it's right , it's right. why wait until the middle of a cold dark night? wheeeen everything's a little clearer in the light of daaaay; aaaaand you know the night is gonna be there anywaaay
But isn't it fun anyhow? Thinking of you's workin up my appetite; lookin forward to a little afternoon delight...rubbin sticks and stones together making sparks ignite, and the thought of loving you is so exciiitin...SKYYYY rockets in flIGht...BOOOOOOOOOO...ooouuuUUUUUUP...afternoon delight...aaaAAAFTERNOON DELIGHT! ;9