Vitamin C
Singingfool.comhmMm.. i'm such a loviNg peRs0n..[yaH,i kn0w i aM!] i lovE my faMily, fRiendS, reLativEs aNd my sPeciaL s0meone...yaH! all oF y0u kn0w wh0 am i taLkinG aBouT.. i'm a g0od frieNd if oTherS aRe williNg to aCcept who i aM..i'm n0t beGging or pLeasing anYone to liKe me,beCause i l0ve mySelf.. foR my foes??! naH! uR n0t weLcome t0 my liFe..nyEee... iF y0u haTe, damN i haTe y0u carez anYway..??!! i'm an oPen miNded peRs0n, a g0od lisTenEr..i TreaSure my fRienDs a l0t!click here
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