Wassup all, Im Anthony. I go by the nickname imagin_dis on many other sites, forums,and IRC channels. so if you see me say wassup. I was born a Chamorro on the pacificisland of Guam. I've lived on several other islands around Guam such as Palau,Saipan, and Rota. I moved out to the United States in 1997 and have been living inthe bay area of California since then.
I attended my last year of middle school out here in California and went tohighschool, college park, right next to my middle school. Its literally right acrossthe street. I heard that highschool are the best years of your life but while goingthrough it I thought they where the worst. Only after graduating and entering intothe "real world" did I realize how special those years where. I made many differentfriends from all walks of life.
During the first 2 years I enjoyed playing basketball anytime I could during schoolwith very interesting people. For the next two years I finally eat school lunch afternot eating lunch since 5th grade while socializing with friends. I never smokedcigarettes or touched any drugs unlike some of my friends. I never gave in to thosepeer pressures including drinking alcohol. My buddies where party animals so I wasalways the designated driver and what not. Despite that I always enjoyed seeing mybuddies wasted and was happy to see them safe.
I graduated from highschool in 2002. If your wandering I was kind of a slacker so mygrades where about C average. I guess I payed the price for my constant "summerslacking" because I attended jr. college while most of my friends went of to the biguniversities and state colleges. I still goto the same college which is D.V.C. . Itsfunny because my middle school, highschool, and college are all right next door. Itslike one big giant campus, so it seems like Ive been attending the same school forthe past 8 years.
Although im only 21 Ive gone through some extreme life changing experiences. When Iwas 19 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin disease which is a form of cancer. I went through3 different regiments of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and a autologous stem-celltransplant that all lasted well over a year. The last treatment I went through wasmy stem-cell transplant which was in November 2005. I'm still recovering from mytransplant, but i've returned to work and plan ..ing D.V.C Fall semester.
I've went through all the nessesary xrays and scans only to find out that mytransplant was a failure. My doctor from Kaiser believes i still have my cancer, butseveral of my doctors at Stanford are not convinced i still have my cancer. Theybelieve that i should wait a few months to see what my cancer, if any, does. TheStanford physicians also hinted at the possibility of having another type or types ofcancer, therefore chest surgury may be nessesary to accuratly re-diagnose mysickness. So now i just have to wait and see what happens.
I've decided that instead of waiting and wasting my life away at home that i wouldtry to get my life back together. After almost a year and half jobless, i've appliedto Mervyn's and have been hired. I have worked there once before and remember thatthe job was hardly physically demanding, which is perfect for my current physicalcondition.
Well, if you would like to get to know me better then all you need to do is messageme. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Later!
revised April 13, 2006
-----------------------August 20, 2005----------------------
Heres some stuff i've done on Photoshop. Most of these are wallpapers. keep in mindthat im new to this wallpaper making thingy so be nice.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9
Picture 10
Picture 11
picture 12
Picture 13
Picture 14
Picture 15
Picture 16
"Dute, wassup dute. It's like having SPAM on the top of your shopping list, buthaving the can in the way bottom of your cart. Dute remember that, dute." (Justanother Chamorro proverb)
Tell the angel who will watch over your life to pray now and then for a man who, likeSatan, believed himself for an instant to be equal to God, but who realized in allhumility that supreme power and wisdom are in the hands of God alone. The Count ofMonte Cristo
Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave. Our birth isnothing but our death begun." Bishop Hall
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." IsaacAsimov
Guam Pictures:
Click On All Images To expand Them
Here are some pictures of the mountain range near the village of Umatac inGuam
Many thanks to Tim Whitson for letting me use his Pictures for all theseyears
Please take some time to visit his site:
Click On All Images To expand Them
Here are some Pictures of the NCTAMS area which is located inside a military base inGuam
Many thanks to Tim Whitson for letting me use his Pictures for all theseyears
Please take some time to visit his site: CLICK HERE
Click On All Images To expand Them
Here are some pictures of the ancient Chamorro culture
Random Pictures:
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Heres a Picture of my Dog
Heres A picture of my workspace
visit my Island Home Webpage. I made this around 5 years ago, Its just somebackground from where i came from
Click Here