My life has consisted of 21 years of experiences, portions of which were pleasant, and others were unfavorable. I have not remained my life unharmed from others, but those who attempt to strike me down have only made me become more persistent in reaching my goals.
Time has a way of amending a person's outlook on life. Days of innocence can only remain for so long prior to being consumed by an acerbic reality. Dwell on the past and be enveloped in regret and anguish. Look to the future and acquire a sense of hope and contentment.
A person can only know what they experience, and will become a product of their environment. I find myself no exception, and I am grateful for who I have become.
I am fortunate to know where I am headed in life. I will accomplish great things. I will live a life I can be proud of; a life that my children and grandchildren can look back to for inspiration.
Yet I am not so fortunate as to be perfect. I have complications in my life which will require immense exertion to overcome, but each day I will succeed in making progress towards a superior outcome.
Any day could be my last, any given breath my final breath. I will not take any moment alive for granted.
I am Adam Gary Emfield.
You could find me in Idaho Falls, ID, on most days, although I am currently in Washington, DC, for a fellowship hosted by the American Psychological Association. I spend my time in a Human Factors laboratory under Dr. James Thompson at George Mason University, and I will remain here until August 2nd. This is an accomplishment I am proud of... an accomplishment that will aid in my acceptance to graduate school in a program worth being a part of. I am aiming at graduate school in August of 2009. I hope to be accepted into Georgia Tech, although I have other places I am looking. But I should finally end up in or near a big city.
In December of 2007, I was finally able to marry a wonderful and beautiful young lady -- Natasha. We have been together for more than 3 years, and it is great to be married to her. We have finally begun our life together, and we plan to be together as a family forever.
We have a little boy named Andrew James. He is three years old, cries for his daddy at nights when he is away, terrorizes his father with Ovaltine at 3:00am when I am not away, and loves his little brother a dangerously large amount. I am not only his daddy, but his best friend. I hope that never changes.
Our second little one is named is Brigham Scott. He is about five months old, and has grown from out 5 pound 1 ounce baby into a healthy (and chubby) 15 pound baby. He is healthy and happy, but the poor little guy looks exactly like his father when he was his age. Let's hope he doesn't continue to look like his father... but either way, we will provide him with a safe and healthy environment to grow up in.
Please note the following things about me.
I am Honest.
I am Enthusiastic.
I am Creative.
I am Strong-willed.
I ask that you do not waste my time asking a question if you do not truly want to hear the answer. If you can accept this, feel free to ask me nearly anything and take the risk at getting to know me. Just remember -- you could be in for the ride of your life.