Teen Democrats profile picture

Teen Democrats

About Me

During the presidential election of 2004 we, a group of teenage Democrats, campaigned for John Kerry and local candidates. Now, we has decided to resurrect the group and recreate http://www.teendemocrats.org/ for the next 2008 presidential election. By the end of coming July, we are planning to go national and organize in every state around the US. We will then be offering our services to the Democratic candidates and we will seek a "teen adviser" position for the presidential candidate. As an organization, we have come up with a list of major issues and causes that we believe would benefit our country and its people from this generation and beyond... ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sen. Barack Obama's DNC Speech (Aug. 28, 2008):

Barack's Resolutions for 2008 (2006):

Sen. Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech (Aug. 26, 2008):

"Clingons Send REAL Americans to War" Speech:


~"I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5 pound largemouth bass in my lake." (on his best moment in office)

~"That's George Washington, the first president, of course. The interesting thing about him is that I read three — three or four books about him last year. Isn't that interesting?"

~"No question that the enemy has tried to spread sectarian violence. They use violence as a tool to do that."

~"Those who enter the country illegally violate the law."

~"Wow! Brazil is big." (after being shown a map of Brazil)

~"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." (to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance)

~"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." (at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas)

~"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease."

~"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."

~"Tribal sovereignty means that... it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities."

~"I'm the commander — see, I don't need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president." (as quoted in Bob Woodward's "Bush at War")

~"I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport."

~"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."

~"Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." (discussing the Iraq war with Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson)

~"We both use Colgate toothpaste." (after a reporter asked what he had in common with British Prime Minister Tony Blair)

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