princess profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im PrinCeSs AndrEasSon..18 yEars of aGe..Im haLf swEdiSh and haLf fiLIpina..I lOve mAh damn liFe..I want tO traveL aLL Over the wOrLd tO mEet nEw faCes andpLacEs..I lOve mah famiLy and friEnds..Im ZanY, lOvinG, cOoL, kinD and sOmetimEs naUghty pErsOn..I'm simpLe..and easy to get along..quiet and timid at first but once you get close to me..ohwell you will go crazy!I dOn't want tO be adOred, I want tO be lOved..that's aLL..

My Multiply Site

My Interests

watChin' mOvie..hangOut with mah friendS..lOve gOin' tO beaCh..lOves playing vOlleybaLL..liStening tO mUsic..danCe..piZza..miLk lOver

I'd like to meet:

any0ne.. ..


i Love rnb mUsiC...i l0ve t0 danCe on my 0wn!!! hahah!! and a littLe of pUnk r0ck mUsiC!!!


freAky friday,, queen of the damned,, haunted mansi0n,,schOOl of r0ck,,and many m0re!!!


mtv,,dismisseD,, pUnk'D,,whatever things,,one 3 hill,, and many m0re!!!