Francio profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi, i am Francio for my friends, but my real name is Francesco
Probably you can't spell my name in the right way but i'd love it too, sometimes i totally love it
I love Art, art in general, but i'm more an Aestheticist: i love finding the perfection in things around me
I am not "emo", and i don't like crying and suffering
I totally DON'T kiss guys! So, don't ask!
I love music, and that's because i have a band, called "Broken Line Up": i sing and play guitar in this band, and we totally kick your ass, expecially if you have one!!!
I love cinema, and that's because i study in a school to become a Director of Photography: cinema will be my life, attending to my projects
Well, i study Economy and Managment now. Cinema will be later in my life...
I totally hate girls that feel themselves like the most beautiful chicks on myspace and haven't time to reply you. Please come down from the pedestal, loser, Myspace is not real life, is just a place for TALKING, not a place where you can build your false image
I am a lot affectionate, with new people too, i love talking with all people everytime! I don't like so much talking with Istant Messanging, but i need to, expecially here. So i'd love it however, don't worry
I love having a real conversation! I can talk about all you want: fashion, politics, gossip, cinema, philosophy, sport, so, don't be shy. But please talk with me, we don't need to talk always about the same things just for saying something!!
And obviously so...
...I can like the silence too
Im sorry if sometimes i don't reply, i seem like i'm ignoring you: i'm a lot busy and i can't give so much attention to myspace things (even if i love myspace), and sometimes i forget things. So, don't care and forgive me if i forget your name, your birthday or something you said me last week. Probably i will remember it another day!
And don't stop commenting and writing me!
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||| 58%
Schizoid |||||| 30%
Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 70%
Borderline |||||||||||||| 54%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 54%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant |||||| 22%
Dependent |||||||||||| 50%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 50% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by
Bands that i saw LIVE:
- Underoath x2
- Silverstein
- Saosin
- Panic! at the disco
- New found glory
- Atreyu
- Thrice
- Angels and Airwaves x2
- The ataris
- Senses fail
- Paramore
- Taking back sunday x2
- Billy Talent
- My chemical romance
Check out my band!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Esiste una morale?

Eccoci tornati. Stavolta ho messo davvero un titolone, già so che questo sarà uno degli interventi piu difficili da scrivere, il più precario, quello forse che sembra poco fondato, e soprattutto immag...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:08:00 GMT

Il significato della vita

Titolo impegnato. Oggi sono stato al matrimonio di mia cugina ed è stato molto carino. Ho visto due persone che si sposavano e ho notato che il vice-sindaco (donna) stava scrutando mia cugina ed ...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 16:59:00 GMT


Ve lo spiego io. Semplicemente, perchè sono contro i DICO.Al giorno d'oggi ci si sente molto alternativi ad avere il cosiddetto 'pensiero moderno', accompagnato da frasi quali 'io non voglio essere co...
Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 16:19:00 GMT

Studio sui fantasmi (GHOSTS)

Tu credi nei fantasmi?Probabilmente i fantasmi esistono, come facciamo a negarlo? Nella nostra percezione l'anima possiamo sentirla distaccata dal corpo, pur ammettendo che le sensazioni come amore o ...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 19:29:00 GMT

Having a blog? Not so bad...

Ehy ya all! Ive nothing to do right now...and so...i try to write something here! Oh yea im going to graduate and ive to study a lot but i dont want, i think someone could understand me... Aww subscri...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Jun 2005 08:53:00 GMT