Well lets see what ya wanna know......... I basically live my life for 3 things - Take care of the Fam., party, and play pool. I'm a sports junkie, if its a sport i'll watch it.
Pool, pool, and more pool!Billiards Amazing Trick Shots
Add to My Profile | More VideosThese are some sick ass trick shots done by a guy in his basement Enjoy!
An alien would be cool!
Jack Johnson, Dispatch, Radiohead, Bob Dylan, Sublime, Blood Hound Gang, Muse, Death Cab for Cutie, Hip Hop, Classic Rock, Country, if it sounds good i can dig it!Sublime - Santeria
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DAS' BOOT! I love anything that will make me laugh.
Heroes and Las Vegas are the 2 best shows ever! But you can't forget ESPN.
Why read when i can enjoy the 52" HD experience!
Mike Massey of course!Fighting stick figures
Add to My Profile | More VideosBruce Lee VS Jet Li