=computers=, =surfing the net(addict na kohh..!)=, =books 'most especiaLLy d sci-fi ., =pets;yung guinea pig kohh..then yung Persian kohh..then yung parrot ko..=, =syempre yung taekwondo class ko sa ottc (olympians taekwondo training center in karrivin plaza in makati)=, =pati yung pagwo-workshop ko sa powers!!! (jrp)=
anyone..some extroverted or self-centered soul..or even benevolent or malevolent..philantrophic,good!nefarious it doesn't matter! amiable..definitely!! deleterious..pede na rin. blandishimenters or cajoliries..ok lang.. any race,ethnicity,religion,status,orientation,sexual preference,basta human being!! add me up!! [email protected] thankie!! (^.^,)
=souL RnB=, =aLtErnaTivE=, =sLoW rocK=, =tRance=, =sCorpi., =thE eAgLes=, =aLicia KeYs=, =uSheR=, =aVriL=, =beLLefirE, =D12=, =bUsTa rhYmes=, =jOe=, =98 dEgrEes=, =boYz2mEn=, =simpLe pLan=, =hiLLary duFF=, =mAriAH=, =eMineM=, =jessiCa simpSoN=, =maNdY mOorE=, =bRandY=, sHakira=, =bRitneY=, =bLack eYeD peAs=, =bAmbOo=, =kYLa=, =niNa=, =baRbie's cRadLe=, =pEpE smitH(lolx)=, =mOonsTar 88=, =chriStiAn baUtisTa=, =sHerYn rEgis= anD odERs pAhh..
*tExAs cHaInSaW mAsSaCrE*, *aNaConDa, kInG cObRa*, *aLiEn*, *LOrD oF tHe RinGs*, *tHe PAsSiON Of The ChRist, *mInoRiTY rEpOrt*, *vaNiLLa sKy*, *sPeEd 1 & 2*, *CrUeL inTeNtiOnS 1 & 2*, *amEriCaN pie 1 up to the wedding*, *LOTR*, *a wALk to ReMembEr*, *tHe puNiShEr*, *tHe bUtteRfLy eFfeCt*, *13 gOinG oN 30*, *mEaN giRls*, *eLLa enChaNteD*, *a CinDeRreLLa sTorY*, *tHe puNisHeR*, *LeGalLy BloNdE 1 & 2*, *SimOnE*, * WhAt a GiRl WaNts*, *FiNdiNg NeMo*, *UpTowN girLs*, *SuGar n SpiCe*, *50 fiRsT dAtEs*, *How tO LoSe a gUy iN 10 dAyS*, *LiZzIe mC gUiRe mOviE*, *wImBLeDoN*, *fIndIng neMo*, sHarK tale*, *tHrEe*, *tHe doll master*, sHreK 1 & 2*, *dEEp rIsIng*, *gOnE wIth tHe wind*, *gLadiAtor*, *brave-hEaRt*, *I aM saM*, *a BeaUTifuL mind*
-spOnGeBoB-, -hBo-, -DisCOvErY cHaNnEL-, -cARtOoN nEtwOrk-, -mTv-, -mR. BeAn-, -bUbbLe GanG-, -jUST fOr LauGhs-, -7tH hEavEN-, -mYx-, -soLar sPoRtS-, -thatÂ’s so raven-, -fear factor-, -CSI-, -aLiaS-, -PUNKÂ’D-, -sUrvivOr-, -friEndS-
The Da Vinci Code, The Horse Whsiperer, Rage of the Angels, The Firm, The Pelican Brief, The Street Lawyer, The Brethren, works ni Danielle Steel, where the money is, the Defense, Operation Fantasy Plan, a Gift of Wings, Amittyville