I'm hard to really get to know, because I don't trust people easily anymore. I used to be a wide open person with my feelings but continually being taken the wrong way changed that about me......I love my husband and my children. They give me a focus in my life that allows me to truly grow and evolve as a person......I love learning new things, but hate it when a "teacher" taints the lesson with their own perspective......I love working with kids and teens. I get them in ways that I don't really get "grown ups." I feel like I'm making a difference. Even if it is just being a friendly and familiar face. And hopefully, once in a while, I'm teaching or sharing something that will help them......I love gardening. It makes me feel more alive; and plants never criticize or nag. They either thrive or don't. The rest is up to me and acts of nature......I love to travel to new places. It's part of that whole learning thing. Not to mention that growing up a military brat gave me the Gypsy Itch......I'm beginning to discover that I don't really hate much of anything or anyone. I am regaining the ability that I had as a child to view the world from many perspectives. When I do this, I can understand someone else's ideas and feelings, even if I don't in any way agree with them......I think my only real complaint or negative expression about any other person is when they waste my time or try to abuse me. I'm just not having it......I am fiercly independent and opinionated. So if I know my facts and feel strongly about them....watch out. I'm not ready to make nice......