Every 30 seconds an African child dies of malaria-more than one million child deaths a year. (UN Millennium Project)
Every year more than 10 million children die of hunger and preventable diseases - that's over 30,000 per day and one every 3 seconds. (Millennium Campaign)
More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day...300 million are children. Of these 300 million children, only eight percent are victims of famine or other emergency situations. More than 90 percent are suffering long-term malnourishment and micronutrient deficiency. (UN Millennium Project)
An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year for labour or sex.
Every 40 seconds, an American baby is born into poverty. That child will not wake to a promising public education nor will that baby find proper treatment if he is sick. (Chicago Maroon)
One in five children (approximately 15 million) in our nation live at or below the poverty line. (Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry)
Education, Inspiration & Motivation
Youth Against Poverty is a organization focused on spreading awareness of child poverty. We hope that the younger generation will understand the need of eradicating child poverty globally and do their part in the fight to end it.
Many teens have preconceived thoughts of people in poverty and how charities use their money for them - "They are all drug addicts", "They had a choice", "The money doesn't go to them, "Who cares, it's not me". Our goal is to change those thoughts and ideas by educating them about what is really happening. They will understand exactly how children in poverty are living and what they - as young people can do about it.
"Lend your voice to make a difference" is the motto of our organization. We believe young people who are motivated will use their energies and resources to spread the word around. Each of our voices can be a powerful and useful weapon against child poverty. They will be able to challenge their peer group and others by speaking to them about child poverty and help them to join in the fight against it. Young people can also get involved with different activities to help in the fight.