I love gay music. I have random thoughts that I say out loud while in the middle of a sentence on another topic. I like to talk; A LOT. I love all you can eat pizza night. I love the singer Tiffany from the 80's (I've met her 6 times). I am a student. I hate summer & love winter. I used to live in Seattle and miss it terribly. I have friends from all age groups. I like to dance (even though I'm not good at it). I live alone. I like to vandalize my co-workers cube's when they aren't at work. I like to jog. I think most people would describe me as funny. I'm NOT emotionally crippled but can be sensitive at times. I can go out or stay in; it's all about good friends! I love to chat online. One of my favorite movies is "The Mists of Avalon". I'll try most things once. I love big & uncommon words. I wish I could wear jeans every day for the rest of my life which is funny because I refused to wear jeans until I was in high school. I love colored undershirts that add contrast to the shirt over it. I lose my keys all the time just like my father used to. I think dating can be fun and exciting and yet creepy and weird all at the same time. I enjoy being single and yet can't wait for Mr. Right to come along. I have my own lingo with most of my friends. I segregate my friends. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE clothes shopping. I sing to myself constantly and usually envision myself on stage performing in front of a sold out crowd. One of my best friends says I live in my own world and it's called "The Ryan Show". I get bored very easily. I love to bake, especially pies. I have 5 piercings. I get crushes on guys at all of the places I shop (Safeway, Target, Morning Thunder, even Urgent Care, LOL). I put ranch dressing on practically EVERYTHING. I don't really like Halloween. I LOVE Starbucks but hate coffee. I don't like cake. I like to drunk text my friends. I think I was gay in the womb (and have many examples to prove it, hehe). I sometimes wish I was shorter. I often wonder how I'd look with cornrows. I dumped John Mayer as my celebrity b/f for Gavin DeGraw, but if he doesn't put out a new album soon I'm going to be forced to dump him too. I'm much more of a morning person. I love to love. I don't care so much what we do when we hang out, it's all about good company. My favorite cologne is Dolce & Gabbana. I've never broken any bones. I'm not a huge nerd, but I LOVE X-MEN! My 1st b/f was in a frat. I had a couple of gay pen pals that I wrote to in High School that I met through a gay book I checked out in the library. I tend to get excited fairly easily. I have an eating disorder; I enjoy food way to much. When I was a kid I wanted to be a judge when I grew up. How can I expect someone else to "get me" when I barely "get me" half of the time. I have moments where I get shy and people usually mistake it for me being snobby or stuck up. I love scary movies even though I get scared. I'm indecisive most of the time. I like LOTS of ice in my drinks. I love to go to the movie theater during the week when I'm supposed to be working. Every year a group of my friends and I take a big trip for New Years. I played percussion in the High School band. I also sang in choir since the 4th grade. I am an uncle. I will play the same song on repeat for hours. The cheapest I remember gas is .95 a gallon. My favorite colors are blue and purple (especially the lighter shades). My first job was at McDonalds. I love/hate chatting online. My philosophy is usually "the more the merrier". Isn't getting lost half the fun sometimes? I've never done any kind of drugs! I LOVE Cheese. I don't care what Oprah says, the toilet paper should hang under. I love over-bleached white towels, like you find in hotels. I love scary movies, even though they scare me. As much as I love sad songs, I don't believe in them or believe that they are good for me. I love to see other people happy. I love to see a couple in love. If you'd like my attention, just ask and you shall receive. I think I want a nose job. I love tank tops with pajama bottoms. I was a "Guest Co-Host" on the radio (I've now been 3 times, with 2 more lined up)! I love movies with really tragic endings. I really like getting in my car when it is super clean. I love the snow. I bite my nails but am working on quiting. I have had stitches once and staples once; both in my head. I sleep with a stuffed snoopy that I've had for forever. I sometimes wish that I had a twin and that we were very close. I wish that my brothers and I had more in common so we could be closer. I love ethnicity. I sleep with a fan on and pointing at me.