Born in France in 1975 from a Vietnamese artist painter dad and a French mother.
By my double ethnies origins, I always been interested and opened to the
different cultures, especially in art and music.
At 7 years old, I started to learn classical percussions & piano at the conservatory of Metz (France).Parallely to this academic formation, I started to learn playing drumset and digital perc with carribean percussionists. That's why I always have a strong in-
fluence of latin rythms in my playing.
At 20, I've been drums & perc. educator for Tama/Paiste school during 4 years,experimenting musical pedagogic approach to teach technical exercises and theory.
I left the the job of educator to go back to my first love : the stage, and travel.
I work in different styles of music. I particularly I like to experiment news approaches by using and mixing ethnies rythms in a non-usual situations. It's may be because I'm curious ;-) But the most beautyful thing in that adventure, are all those artists and people I met, with who I shared the same passion.As a composer :
I work in sound design, creating music and sounds for Website, Film, Tv and Radio adverts, Documentaries.