Jimmy's Old Car Picnic profile picture

Jimmy's Old Car Picnic

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

San Francisco's favorite car show since 1988, Jimmy's Picnic is held in Speedway Meadow in beautiful Golden Gate Park!
The 20th Annual Old Car Picnic was Sunday, October 12, 2008.

Park your pre-1972 vehicle on the meadow lawn for a $20 donation to benefit the developmentally disabled.
We welcome all kinds of vehicles, 1972 and older. We welcome rat rods, lowriders, perfectly restored cars, horseless carriages, clunkers and beaters, motorcycles, race cars, fire trucks, old folks' "I only take my car out on Sundays" cars, customs, giant red wagons, motorized barstools, pretty much anything you can think of, but PLEASE leave those little mini-motorcycles at home....
Bring a picnic lunch or BBQ. We have a raffle for fun prizes. There is an award for favorite car.
The money we raise goes to help people with Down's Syndrome--Adaptive Recreation Programs. We're sponsored by Juxtapoz art magazine and the SF Park & Recreation Dept.
Unfortunately, it's too much of a hassle to get permitted for outdoor music and for vendors. Sorry bands and vendors! Just come and relax, take a break.
Most importantly, we want to welcome people who are open-minded, easy-going, and with good, positive attitudes. It's all about relaxing, having fun, and enjoying a good time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Car lovers, bikers, clubs....Bay Area folks with good attitudes! Check out our website at www.jimmyspicnic.com. Contact us if you want to be on the mailing list for next year! We have an email list too.

My Blog

Scarlett Fever 3!

Come out to San Francisco on Sunday, March 8 for a great time and to help a very special little girl!Scarlett Fever 3: A benefit for Scarlett's special needs and Rett Syndrome awareness!DNA Lounge, Sa...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 08:20:00 GMT

An interesting article

This blog by the SF Weekly updates what's going on with Rec & Park.... you might find it interesting.http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2009/02/labo r_groups_babies_very_old_p.php
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 11:06:00 GMT

Sample letter of support

Please read the other blog "Here we go again" before this one! Here is a sample email you can cut and paste and send the SF Recreation and Park Dept to show your support of the Assisted Services Divis...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:49:00 GMT

Here we go again....

Hey everybody,Just so you know what's going on....1) We still haven't heard from the SF Recreation & Park Dept. regarding the permit for our 21st Annual Old Car Picnic, but we'll keep you posted....2...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:33:00 GMT

A Special Holiday Party!

Today, Jimmy & friends got to experience a wonderful tradition--now in its 41st year! The Adaptive Recreation Programs of the SF Rec & Park Dept teams up with the SF Fire Dept every year to host a hug...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 13:37:00 GMT

My Ride in the Chronicle

Hey there,So Jimmy's Old Car Picnic was covered in this past Sunday's "My Ride" section of the SF Chronicle.http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2 008/11/16/MTKI13JKT6.DTL&hw=my+ride&sn=002...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 05:28:00 GMT


Hey everyone,Thanks to all who made it out to our 20th Old Car Picnic! It was a beautiful sunny day. People were mellow and having fun. We didn't have a problem with tire spinning or burnouts. The Blu...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 17:19:00 GMT

Old cars only!

Hi everyone,We keep getting questions where people are asking if it's okay to bring in their 80s, 90s, or even 00s (is that how it's written?) cars to the Old Car Picnic.We have nothing against newer ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 18:15:00 GMT

Raffle Prizes!

Hey there,When you pay your $20 fee to put your car in the show, you'll get 2 raffle tickets in your packet. Anyone can buy more tickets for $1 each and 6 for $5!Check out what we have for prizes!!- c...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 04:14:00 GMT

Sweet moolah

Hey kids,We've had people ask us about the entry donation/fee and what types of payments we can accept. Well, we don't have the ability to deal with credit cards and can't accept checks, so CASH ONLY!...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:31:00 GMT