About Me
- According to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, after earning a BA from UCLA and a MA from St. Petersburg State University, I have NO higher education.- I've never seen Lenin.- I can read faster in Russian than I can in English.- I can't buy music from iTunes because it says the "Security Code" on every card I try using is invalid.- I have scars on my left leg left behind by Russian band-aids.- I secretly (okay, not really secretly, but more like overly-openly) dream that one day as I am walking by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow I'll run into Sergey Lavrov and say hi.- My iPod contains a wide array of scriptural resources...because...well, just because.- I own at least a dozen mobile phones.- I will NOT wait in a line for McDonald's, and I really don't understand why people do. It's supposed to be "fast food", people!- In support of Russia's bid to join the WTO, I do not illegally download or purchase music, movies, or other intellectual property...which means I'm essentially isolated from the world of popular culture.- More people get their news from my LiveJournal than from any other source.