i hve many hobbies... 1 of dem is bsket ball wich i lke da most bcoz its super fun but super tiring... d ader is volley ball dont know y... aders r table tenis and badmin2n... i lke 2 listn 2 musics especially pop and rnb! tking pictures of my frendz n fmily is fun and most of ol i lke 2 dance!... i dnt lke 2 rid sowee na lng sa mg readers awt der! by da way i olso lke 2 b a proffesilnal something! know planz... hehehe
evrybodi... frm rich 2 poor... frm tall 2 short... frm dark or not... and frm bad 2 gud! hehehe anybodi! evrybody! any1! will b ok wid me any budi who wnt me 2 b der frnds! c",)
rnb... pop... melow... opm... rock?
...feaky friday... finding nemo... maid in manhattan... princes diaries... sweet home alabama... scary movie... uptown girl... scooby doo...
hmmm?! let me thnk! ahhhh i've got it basically im a nickelodeon fun y? bcoz its orange... hehehe wat else b4 i 4got i lke 2 watch hi5! eventhough its 4 children! but its oki bcoz im stll young! hahaha wat else? i duuno anythng is cool... ;p
n+o+n+e= none hehehe im not a book laver hehhe!
itz a brd! itz a plane! no its... "SUPERMAN"