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Ryuichi (pronounced REE-YOU-EE-CHEE) What you are hearing on this page are the last vestiges of a whirlwind project that came together and imploded much like a bittersweet summer romance. These tracks you are hearing come from an album that was finished in the nick of time .
Lilliput (lead vox, keys, guitar, songwriting) currently MIA on a mission from god.
Bo Frantz (bass) is still borderline insane, but is now filtering his destructive tendencies into throwing massively wild legendary house parties for the benefit of everyone. He is currently reviving his Eek! Oddessey project into an electric form, painting pictures of nude women and driving really really fast in his Golf TDI. If one looks hard enough, they can find Bo standing precariously at the edge of a sheer cliff, looking down into the sea.
Bobby Lee (drums) is currently working with a number of artists in and around Toronto, lending his percussion skills to whatever bands need him. He is currently jamming with the fantastic engineers at Chemical Sound, The Furry Triangles, and at any house party with an open kit. He has recently begun to teach drums, and has rejoined his former mentor Rod Fogerty to further perfect his funk and soul technique. Not willing to fully commit to any band just yet, Bobby is currently exploring all he can as a mercenary drummer and hopes to get into as many projects as possible.
Kristrun (keys, backup vox) last seen pushin keys at the drake. poets speak of her in song alongside Thor and Odin in Valhalla.