What a usual boi likes... Girls, Havin a laf with my m8s and a few beers, football! erm i love 2 relax wit my mates in the sun, sunbathing n pissing around by the pool (cant do this in England) erm clubbing! I do love my Roast dinners on a sunday u cant beat em n a fry up when u hungover! I love cycling, i did use 2 run but then i gave it up but it is nice 2 do it 2 jus get away from everything! I love drunken walk homes now there funny always u cant beat em, some random shit always happens! Playing tennis wit my dad n playing cricket wit my team it is good but usually i workin alot so cant do it, but it a lauf cos we aint gd so we dont play serious lol every1 there 2 have a lauf! mmm i love fashion, i fink ppl know that about me anyway!
Mmmm... sum 1 kool..like me!haha Any one famous..Leila... havent seen her for ages..:)anyone who would reli wana meet me. I wud luv 2 c Razorlight or Fall out Boy at the mo great bands! Gunna c at Reading 07 so waheyView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
All sorts of music, Kooks, Razorlight,Fall out boi, Artful dodger, eminem, 50 cent, the Fray, Kaiser Chiefs, Cascada, anyfing really ledginary music reli any type with in reason of corse.
8 mile jokes erm white noise is freaky like it dow, erm saving private ryan, oooo Toy Story n Shrek they are legendary films n Iceage lol! Scary movie well some of em! n American Pie u cant live wit out it it so funny, a must have box set
my wife and kids!! dat jokes hollyoaks prison break shameless skins etc.
aint sure use 2 like harry potter when i was like 12 but got ova that phase haha lol, i do read when i got the time but ya no! John Grisham books i fink are good!
Leila... :) love ya gal.. fanx for doin this for me! :)haha n my dad always look up 2 im n my oldest bruv e always looking out 4 me n sometimes it mayb 2 much but i love im!