The MotherShip has landed...Space Travel, Meeting New People, Taking Chances, Seeking out those who seek knowledge, complex mathematics.
MLN17 OuterSpacelings, Freaks of Nature, Normal Earth People, Beautiful Specimens, Experimental Beings, Lovers, Fighters, Dancers, ARTISTS, MUSES, DJ's, and Good People doing Good Things for Other People.
We find that this type of music moves the very energy within our being, so its got to be good for you.
Sci-Fi. Movies about world domination through love. Foreign films, like from-outer-space kind of foreign.
We supreme beings do not waste our timeless time with that contraption called a television. We recommend getting out there, anywhere, and dancing.
Maps containing directions to the Milky Way Galaxy
Books depicting otherworldly beings as harmless and friendly
Any manuscript containing diagrams for building space crafts, teleport machines, and U.F.O.'s.
Oh, and any poetry, because we are sensitive.
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimensions
The CREATOR of the above mentioned Dimensions.
Nemesis, our fearless leader.