Married w/ 2 kids.--I love watching movies! I enjoy walking hand-in-hand with my husband in the park and playing board games with my kids. Lately it's been Guitar Hero- I've mastered EASY. lol. I enjoy being in plays at our local theatre and hanging out with friends.My daughter is 13...ahhh; a teenager! My son is 9; they are the "light of my life". I can not imagine life w/out these two!! Syd is a 7th grader at Emerson and Jake is a 3rd grader at Emmanuel. They are FUN kids and add sooooo much joy to my life! :)My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years!!! He has gotten me thru some difficult times and is my biggest fan; which is what keeps me going. I am in love w/this man.asfunction:playTune,0
Trigon Commercial - Karate