five seconds to nowhere, or to be more precisely all members of fstn, walked through many bands.
At the end of 1997 Daniel and Stephan met up the first time in the basement of Daniels home to play music together. After a short while the former drummer came down with
acute hearing loss, so Florian came into play. Nearly three years were spend together until their first combo including two guys doing the vocals and a second guitarist was forced to blew up.
A few years and almost thus much different bands and projects later, they've met again and while all of them were off their bands, it was settled to restart musical activities. The new member in this four
headed constellation was Matthias, who was a friend of Florian and Stephan for years.
All members playing instruments were found, so to specify a founding year for FIVE SECONDS TO NOWHERE, it would have to be the late days of 2006 fading to
the first days of 2007.
Some trials were made to find the right guy for the missing position on the microphone, but all attempts were in vain as far as Mattes appeared after some extensive search. He convinced with nice cleanparts
and forceful shouts all bandmembers since the first rehearsal so that the last missing familymember was found.
Within a few month the bunch of experienced and freshly motivated musicians compiled a diversified live-set and recorded
their first three-song-EP which waits to be released at the end of 2007.
At least more than ten years of knowing each other, notwithstanding diverging favorite artists and tastes of musicstyles,
secures a balanced arrangement.
Perhaps that might let embrace you what kind of music was prefered by each one of them, but it definitely
does not alleviate to categorize the sound and style of their songs.
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