Hvernig verðum við heilbrigð? |
Þessi pistill er stytt útgáfa og ekki bein þýðing á hluta af "Healing in His wings" eftir David Brandt Berg. Ég leyfi mér aðeins að leggja eigin áherslur á það sem hann segir. Ég veit að Berg h... Posted by Ingibjörg on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:29:00 PST |
Jesú er Messías -svar við spurningum |
Hér að neðan er svar við kommenti sem ég fékk um grein mína "Sönnun þess að Jesús sé Messías". Sorrý ég gleymdi alltaf að pósta þessu, þetta er gamalt!
Eins og gefur að skilja byggir sönnunin á Gaml... Posted by Ingibjörg on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 04:00:00 PST |
Noah, the flood and the descendants! |
Noah, the flood and the descendants! Hey you guys Remember that I told you about the flood and the story in the Bible about Noah and the arc? Well as I said it has been found, I put some... Posted by Ingibjörg on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 06:59:00 PST |
New pics |
Hey everyone!
Just put new pics in (the are "stolen", that is copied from the internet). Just pics of the Northern lights, for you foreigners and the Icelandic horses and such. I plan on updating my o... Posted by Ingibjörg on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 04:15:00 PST |
hverjum trúir þú? |
Þessi grein er á íslensku! Það eru margir uggandi um þessar mundir. Það er kreppa á Íslandi. Það er ekki bara kreppa sem er fjárhagsleg heldur líka andleg. Ég vil flytja ykkur huggunarorð. ... Posted by Ingibjörg on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 03:54:00 PST |
The words and the Spirit of Truth
the importance and impact of both!
Why did the apostles not write the story about Jesus while he was alive? Why did time go on and the real discipleship truly... Posted by Ingibjörg on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:27:00 PST |
My vision of Heaven |
It all started last night. I was reading stuff from David Brandt Berg about how prayer works. How it is like three dimensional, there's you, there's God and there's the one you are praying for. It wil... Posted by Ingibjörg on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:10:00 PST |
a little blue and a little scared of the future... |
Hey everybody
I have been very quiet recently and apologize for not being in touch. I have moved house and am now living at "Hótel Mamma" (mums) where my youngest siblings still live, 15 and 17.... Posted by Ingibjörg on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:03:00 PST |
I hope this works... an article |
Hello everybody
Here´s this great article a friend of mine once gave me and I´d like to share with you. It´s an interview with God and to me it cleared sooooooooooo many things. I still read it someti... Posted by Ingibjörg on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:28:00 PST |
Fullkomin ást |
Mig langar aðeins að tala um kærleikann eða ástina sem Kristur hefur á okkur. Bara af því að það er okkur mjög mikilvægt að gera okkur grein fyrir þessu til að geta átt í "ástarsambandi" við hann. Han... Posted by Ingibjörg on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 06:48:00 PST |