cars, collecting foreign money, music, intellectual discussions on various topics, I pride myself in being able to talk and discuss at length; many varied topics. I also love automobiles (sports cars) and motorcycles(sportbikes), as well as All Terrian Vehicles, and jetskis
Davinci(Leonardo) , OZZY, Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson (the man was very wild behind closed doors, much more to him than meets the eye, did u know he frequented pagan orgies at stonehenge which he was living in England?)
I am mostly into Rock music, but I can and do produce anything and everything. I have an ear to the streets, always have. I was the guy in highschool who had the band shirts 2 years before they got on MTV, now thats how I make a living. I am mostly on the production side of things, but i must say that I am a very accomplished freestyler in my own right
see above section entitled "who I would like to meet" I feel these questions overlap