Davey Sprockett profile picture

Davey Sprockett

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Dave. I'm 21. My life revolves around Snowboarding, Bmx, Metal, and Music. I'm going to school at NMU for Jewelry/Metalsmithing/Blacksmithing and I love it. I don't trust easily. I like being outdoors, whether it's riding my bike, geo-caching, or just exploring. I like to go swimming, I like jumping off of things into water, and I just got SCUBA certified. I'm a rockhound. I will be rich someday. AIM= DaverCadaver, MSN = [email protected]. www.gzskatesnow.com

My Interests

Snowboarding, Geo-Caching, Banksy, snowboarding, exploring mines, breaking my feet multiple times, SCUBA, music, drawing,ZORBS, WING-SUITS, MONSTER TRUCKS, Damascus Steel, vertical mine shafts, Mokume-gane, airsoft, skateboarding, BMX, hanging out, and sleeping

I'd like to meet:

a cute blonde boogie machine with back dimples, someone who is real, someone I can rely on.....and whoever broke into my car and stole my burned meatloaf cd.


I listen to everything. Lately I've been really into: Muse, Ghostface, Wu Tang, and Coheed


I like thought-provoking films. I am also a big fan of comedies. Some of my favorites include: the Star Wars series, SIN CITY, A Clockwork Orange, The life of David Gale, Scarface, Full Metal Jacket, Napolean Dynamite, Se7en, The Life Aquatic, The Royal Tenebaums, Bottle Rocket, Fight Club, Anchorman, Memento, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Taking Lives, Kill Bill series, Wedding Crashers, Zoolander, Waiting, and 40 year old virgin. And whatever movie the clip below is from... .. width="425" height="350" ..


NINJA WARRIOR, Family Guy, CSI, Meatlocalypse, NIP/TUCK, Robot Chicken, Forensic Files, Cold Case Detectives, Futurama, AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, Moral Orel, Boondocks, Dirty Jobs, History & Discovery Channel, Conan...good stuff.


Banksy: Wall and Piece, Sin City Graphic Novel Series, The Wall of Silver, In Cold Blood, Johnny Got His Gun, The Crucible, Grooglemen, The Black Dahlia Avenger, a few Stephen King books here and there, Roald Dahl books


Makoto Nagano - Google it.

My Blog

Midnight Canadian Solo Mission ATTEMPT

On Thursday, October 27th, at about 9:00 p.m. while everyone was out partying...I decided to go for a drive. I headed east, and didn't really have a destination. After about an hour, I noticed that I ...
Posted by Davey Sprockett on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:30:00 PST

BMX way back in the day...

The other day as I was leaving my friend's apartment (in the ghetto), I noticed a group of about 4 boys riding their bikes off a homemade jump that was positioned under a tree, and down a little hill....
Posted by Davey Sprockett on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:45:00 PST