rOnAh... that's me..... i'm mAsayA kasAma... and cOoL raw sAbi niLA... ehehehe... mAHiLIg AkoNG mAngLIbrE!... hehehe:) pwamiz* iLUv dAnCinG!!!... cOz i'm a dAnce trUp mEmber sA schOoL!...:) i'm 5"4. and wilL finIsh my stUddies sa silliman university... saonzzz... eheheh:) mEet mE nALang... oki!... c",)Cute Myspace Layouts
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hmmm.. pEOple whO r rEalLy in guD mOod.... hehehe :)... whOse rEallY fuN 2 bE wiTh!!!... cOol and frEndLy... who can be rElY oN!.. lolz... i wanT thEm 2 hAv fUn! anyTym i'm here 4 them.. libre ko!...