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haay buhay

About Me

windang, baog, old-maid

My Interests

books, movies, music, drawing, painting


world, jazz, reggae, rock, alternative Diana Krall, Joni Mitchell, Cynthia Alexander, Rivermaya, Noel Cabangon, Smashing Pumpkins, REM, System of a Down, Indigo Girls, Norah Jones


ghandi, lock stock and two smoking barrels, being john malkovich, anything by zhang yimou (seen all his good stuff! The most recent one being Hero), chinese films are very good, matrix 1 was good, about a boy, anything by Hayao Miyazaki (seen all his stuff! they're all good!), my cousin vinny, ghost in the darkness, the full monty, almost famous, Life is beautiful, snatch, high fidelity, heart and souls


love books. some of my favorites: A wrinkle in time, the chronicles of narnia, the lord of the rings books, Notre Dame de Paris, Les Miserables, harry potter series, sherlock holmes, women who run with the wolves, old man and the sea, island of the blue dolphins, witch of blackbird pond, jane eyre, the famished road, the unbearable lightness of being, shel silverstein, roald dahl

My Blog

james bond

I have insomnia.... cannot sleep...... partly because I'm filled with RAGE I HATE james bond. He is the most ridiculous male figure ever to come out of fiction. a secret agent with all the boy toys...
Posted by chiari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


been sick for 3 days now... haven't gone to work for 2 days..... have really bad colds and cough, and my throat's reeeeeeeeally sore. My fever seems to be going down though (thankfully). oh well, b...
Posted by chiari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


had a dream last night. I dreamt I was walking on a road. Next to the road, along the side, was a sandy area, and there was a body of water there. I don't think it was the sea. I think it was shallow ...
Posted by chiari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

blah blah blah

Just finished harry potter bk5 yesterday. Took me a while to read because I'm forever buried in work. I'm not feeling very well today, might take a day off from school within the week. Nevertheless...
Posted by chiari on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST