I am supposed to summarize my personality in one little paragraph. I'll try my best. I am very outgoing, approachable, civil, communicative, cordial, easy to get along with, expansive, extrovert, friendly, genial, gregarious, informal, kind, open, sociable, sympathetic, unconstrained, unreserved, unrestrained, and warm. I am crazy 99.9% of the time. I am a deep thinker but usually the things I spend time thinking about include "What is another word for Thesaurus?" (which my curiosity got the best of me so I looked it up. glossary, language reference book, lexicon, onomasticon, sourcebook, storehouse of words, terminology, treasury of words, vocabulary, word list, and Thesaurus are all synonyms.)"What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow." "What does an X-ray of a hiccup look like" "What is the square root of blue?" and most importantly "If my favorite color is clear, I can't very easily wear my favorite colored pants or shirt." I am very random and I like it that way.
Talk to me.
Favorite color=clear
Favorite number=13
Favorite movie quote=Your scent, it's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin. -Edward Cullen
Favorite activity=running.
Favorite place to hang out=anywhere but home.