About Me
Write in Hebrew with ChaiSpace.comi just added a video,check it out on my profile,when im with ABBA,and when we judge the angels,this is me doing the stold cold stunner on ha shatan,if ABBA will let me,for all the grief he has caused us, i am a born again(yahudim)believer in YAHUSHUAH HA MASHIACH,i am an yisra'elite,that is where my bloodline goes,back to the tibe of yahudah,and i hope that im able to go back to yisra'el.,i love surfing and wish i could surf the sky instead of the ocean,i am a born again believer in YAHUSHUAH,saved by his mercy and grace,and boldly speaks and believes in HIS word,i am an enemy of ha shatan,i have been transformed from darkness,to YAHUSHUAHS LIGHT,trying to help others,i am a natsirim(watchman)i am a warrior who fights against spiritual evil in this world with the help of YAHUSHUAH HA MASHIACH,and help those who have been wronged,and stands on HIS beliefs(YAHUSHUAHS)believe it or not,this world is evil.also,i love working out 5 days a week,im on here to be a witness for my YAHUSHUAH,and to be an example as a believer in HIM,and there is no other name in which you can be saved by,except YAHUSHUAH HA MASHIACH,and to make friends.i know some people do not believe as i do,but i do not judge them,as the pharasees do.my heart cries out for yisra'el and for my people,and the peace of yerushalahim,so if you dont believe,take that first step,have faith,just believe that HE(YAHUSHUAH)is MASHIACH,and HE will change you,though there will still be problems in the world,these will have to take place before HE returns again,i know that you who are orthodox jews or muslims might have a problem with me saying that YAHUSHUAH is MASHIACH,thats fine,i am not here to force or make you believe,and let me share this with you orthodox and muslims,"I DO NOT FOLLOW CHRISTIANITY"I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN,I CELEBRATE THE CAMMANDED FESTIVALS OF YAHUAH MY ABBA,I DO NOT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS,EASTER,HOLLOWEEN WHICH ARE PAGANISTIC,I DO NOT CELEBRATE ANYTHING ELSE THAT ARE PAGAN AS WELL,"I AM AN BORN AGAIN YAHUDIM,AND BOLDY SAY THAT YAHUSHUAH IS MASHIACH,AND THAT HE CAME FROM ABBA YAHUAH IN THE FLESH BY VIRGIN BIRTH",i will pray that you will come to the TRUTH AND THE LIGHT,for osama bin laden,you are no different than sha'ul,before he came to the MASHIACH YAHUSHUAH.for .also,i want to learn all i can from the RUACH HA QODESH,and to study and show myself to be approved by him,i want to read what HE taught HIS deciples,if you can refer to me any books that you have may read and have,please tell me so i can get them as well ...shalom
yehudah morderchai ben ya'aqob
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