M3, mYseLf i aNd FaShIoN.~""*Intelligent People Talk about Ideas....... *Average People Talk About Things ....... *Small People Talk About Other People....*And fashionist talk about designs and Trends ***Which Are You???....""~ ?LiiF3 iiS TOO SHORT TO B3 ANYTHiiNG L3SS TH3N HAPPY SO LOV3 LiiKE U CANT G3T HURT,SMiiLE LiiKE iiTz GONNA B3 OK, AND HAV3 NO F3ARz?
I am original& unique and Originality comes from within & can't be DUPLICATED, so NoThInG rIgHt NoW iS mOrE iMpOrTaNt To M3 tHeN MY fUtUre and NotHing oR nO oNe eLse, sO PLEASE...don't flatter yourself! You can decorate the outside as much as you like, but if inside you are empty then you have failed tremendously....!!!
I like all types of music im such a unique person that i teach myself not to catagorize myself to one specific genre of anything. THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME BECASUE IT IS ALL ABOUT FASHION, MONEY, RESPECT AND POWER!!
In life, the things
you wish and dream for can seem so big,but truthfully its the minor things in life that put the biggest smile on your face and the diamond like twinkle in your eye__!
Be who you are & say what you feel; those who mind don't matter & those who matter won't mind...
My hero of all times is MY MOM and MYSELF.I say myself because we are the heros of our own story.
↓Pe3p GAme below↓