Stevanovic Zeljko aka Doctor Pauk /Pauk=Spider/ was born on 4th December 1980. in Ruma, Srem, Vojvodina, Serbia. After finishing Military School in Belgrade 1999, he started his -an Air Force officer career- and 3 years after he begun dancing, which tied him up closer to music and made him become a DJ in 2003.
To these days, his career counts few performances at Exit Noise Summer Festival in Novi Sad, many parties of a local character and certain number of radio shows.After having a severe car accident in November 2005, Zeljko paused his music career and put all his strength to manage his new life and explore himself from the beginning, due to amnesia and all the consequences...3 years after, Doctor is starting a new project - VEKTOR PROJEKAT, which will cover IT and multimedia.
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