metalpostcard profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

le ciel, les étoiles: montantes, filantes, manquantes et autres


NIN, Peaches, PJ, LeTigre, Goldfrappppppppppp, Pravda, LezziesOnX, CSS, ChicksOnSpeed, Fatale, Sioux, Iggy, PoetessPattiSmith, Bauhaus, Jesus&MaryChain, Suicide, BeastieBoys, PJ, theOrgan, Boards of Canada, Wax Taylor, Swayzak, Ellen Alien, Cure, TheKnife, ESG, JulietteTheLicks, VirginPrunes, dm, VelvetU, Tori, DeadSexyInc, YeahYeahyeahs, CatPower, SergeG, CharlotteG, Bashung, and so much +++


Night of the Hunter, High Art, Lost Highway,Eraserhead, and everything by David Lynch, Alien I, II, III, IV..., J.Jarmusch (Down by Law, Dead man etc, D.Cronenberg, and so much +++


L Word, Oz, TheSopranos, the Bundy family, Courage the cowardly dog, Johnny Bravo, Batman and Bobbin(!), Cow and Chicken, 1/2chien1/2chat; dessterlepitigini, lescastorsallumes, boxing matches


The passion by Janet Winterson, Wittig, Butler and +++