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AmAnDa KaY


About Me

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MySpace GraphicsWell, were do I start! First of all I moved to Dillon SC in October of 1999. Before that I was living in Union SC my hometown. Always said I would move back but Dillon County just grows on ya! Well, I am having a baby boy and can't wait to be a Mommy! Jonathan my baby daddy is so excited too, he's gonna be a great dad! We just moved and bought us a place in Dillon so far I Love it! I have 5 Chihuahua's, had them for 4 years I Love them so much they are my children! The most important thing to me is My unborn child, My Family, My Friends, and can't forget My Jonboy! :) You wanna know anything else IM at qtpieav2483
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    My Interests

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    Shopping* Spendin time with family & Friends* playin the game* Chatting online* The Fall* ~Love to see the leaves change~ My Pets* Fashion* Movies* Fishin* Music* computers*

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    My hero Is My Grandma Love ya *Granny*!!! In Memory of My Granny
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    My Blog

    ITS A BOY!

    Well, its a BOY! Jon got what he wanted and couldn’t be happier! So am I! I can’t wait till he gets here so I can just hold him and spoil him! :) ...
    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:12:00 PST

    Dr Visit

    Well, went back to the dr Thursday....He did have to put me on high blood pressure meds.  I have to go back again this Thursday to see if they are working.  They did another Ultrasound, and ...
    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:58:00 PST

    Update on Me!

    Well, I just thought I would update ya'll of how my life is going! Well, I am very excited about us buying our first house! YAY! We will be moving before the month is up, for sure! I couldn't be happi...
    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST

    I got Tagged!

    3:51 AM - I've been tagged. =) Current mood: sleepy I GOT TAGGED!Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end ...
    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:45:00 PST

    Yep I am Pregnant!

    Yes, I am Pregnant! I am happy but also filled with lots of emotions! But that is only normal I think for someone who has miscarried before. I just ask you all to keep me in your thoughts and prayers!...
    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:28:00 PST

    My Celebrity Look-alikes

    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:08:00 PST

    My Celebrity Look-alikes

    Posted by AmAnDa KaY on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 05:50:00 PST