This should be in heroes, it went gay in heroes though.
My sister is here, not only because she is my best friend, but because i'm on hers. Lmao.I do love her, even if I do let her fall off fences, and laugh at her when she crashes AND blame her for me knocking my teeth out =] it wasn't really her fault.I like how I push her to sing and Dance, I'm her sister..I'm allowed!She's kinda cool, she let's me borrow her tingz! =]
and I use her straightners, even though I have a pair. =]
I want to keep her forever, you're not having her.
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Let..'s be honest...
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Indie, that's it really.
Trainspotting. ♥♥♥
Chicago. ♥♥♥
She's the man. ♥♥
Big Brother.
I'm a Celebrity.. get me out of here!
The real Hustle
My friends are my heroes.
I look up to them and i'd like to think that they look up to me.
they all have their own qualities and I love them all ♥
You'll know if I love you, because, you just will.