Motherhood... movies, music... cooking, home-making (if that can be an interest)... graveyards, horror, forensics, true crime, travel, good books, good food, good friends...
Honest, open, fun-loving people -- I'd like to re-connect with old friends and hopefully add new ones
80's music in general... all in all, I have a rather eclectic taste in music -- from Metallica to Monkees, Depeche Mode to Duran Duran -- and if I know the words, beware... ;)
A little of this, a little of that... Some movies are great for pure escapism, but sometimes I like a "meaning"...
Well, the TV is pretty much owned by my son now... when we watch, it's usually Noggin or Cartoon Network... I miss watching HOUSE, LOST, and such... can anyone catch me up?
Usually thrillers or true crime. Although recently, it's pretty much Green Eggs and Ham, or Sesame Street fare.
My mother is the strongest person I know!